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Satan x fem. Reader NSFW

"Come on, Y/n!" Mammon begs. "You gotta make us a human world sweet!"

"Yeah, unlike that other toxic waste we had during the retreat." Satan said.

"Don't shame my food!" I say.

"We didn't say that you couldn't cook," Beel says. "We just said that any human world food, other than sweets, tastes horrible."

Satan, Mammon, Beel, and I were sitting in my room.

I sigh. "I said no the first time, guys. What makes you think I'll say differently this time?"

"Because if we keep beggin' ya, You'll eventually make us one!" Mammon says.

Satan smirks. "Sometimes Mammon, I just don't understand your logic."

"Even if we keep begging her, she still probably won't make a cake." Beel says, chewing on some Spicy Newt chips.

"I could also just poison the cake..." I say.

Beel, Satan, and Mammon all stare at me, raising their eyebrows.

"So, are you going to stop asking now?" I say, rather than ask.

The boys dismiss themselves, making excuses about what they have to do.

"I'm gonna go eat..... in another room." Beel says.

I smile wickedly, and watch them leave.
Now, I can do what I've been waiting for all day....
Take a nap!

I spoke too soon, there was a knock at my door.
I opened it, to see Satan there, holding a recipe book.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I really want that cake." He says.

"Oh, really? I thought it would've been Beel to do this kind of thing." I say.

I invite Satan in, and he opens the book to a page with a light brown cake.

"Isn't this a caramel cake?" Satan asks. "In the human world, this is supposed to be really good."

"In the human world, it is." I say, and Satan arches a brow.

"I'd do anything to get this cake." Satan says.

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Now, get on your hands and knees." I say.

"Crawl out into the hall wearing only this kitty cosplay outfit, and you can only meow like a cat to everyone."

I pet Satan on the head, picking up the camera from Lucifer's closet.

I'll give it back to him later.

"Are you recording?" Satan asks, on his knees.

"Yep, now get out there, kitty!" I shout, starting to record.

"No!" Satan says. "Please, I don't want to do this!"

"You said you'd do anything for that cake, right?"

"Why this?" Satan asks. "Why make me a kitten?"

"Just go." I say. "Unless you've changed your mind about cake?"

Satan groans angrily, and starts crawling to my door.

"I don't wanna..." He grumbles.

"Oh? You wouldn't give up your pride to crawl around in a kitty outfit, would you?" I say tauntingly.

"Argh!" Satan yells. "I'm not like Lucifer!" Satan bursts out of my door, and into the hall.

He crawls around, meowing to everyone while I record.

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