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Photo isn't mine but it's cute^
Leviathan x fem. Reader

Levi and I had broken up recently.
We broke up because of his constant obsession with Ruri- chan, and because of that, we began to spend less time together.
So, we drifted apart slowly, both in love while doing our own thing.
So, we had to break up, leaving us in an arguement.

As of right now, he was chasing after me through the House of Lamentation.

"Come back here! I wasn't done talking to you!"

"Well, I'm done talking to you! Don't you get it?"

I stopped, turning around to face Levi in the hallway.
We were face to face, our eyes locked together intimately as our bodies react quickly.
My body attracted to his, his body attracted to mine.
This is one of the reasons why I began to date Levi.
Our bodies, no matter what, could not stay apart.
It was a primal desire, like wild animals ready to mate, like magnets pulling towards one another, we stuck together like glue.

I glared at Levi, but I knew he saw right through me.
What he saw instead, was lust.
Pure, hard, lust.
I tried my hardest to intensify my baby glare, but Levi only took a step forward.
He was angry, so angry.

"I- I hate you, Levi. We can't be together, it'll only become a toxic relationship." I said.

"So, are you telling me to get rid of what I like?"

"No, but did you ever consider my feelings? What about me? You were always in your room, gaming away, telling me not to bother you, so what was I supposed to do? I'm not blaming you for having fun, but you didn't even bother to spend time with me!"

"So, you go have fun with Asmo instead! Y/n, don't mess with me! You know how I act when you hang around other men!"

"I couldn't hang around you! You told me not to bother you, and I respected that, but what was I going to do during that time? Every day, all day, you sat in your room, alone. Did you even think about me?"

"Of course I did!"

"Yeah, maybe as some character from Mononoke Land!"

I turned and stomped away, feeling like an animal leaving their mate.
My chest began to hurt, tears slipping down my cheeks.
I began to cry, my face twisting into ugly features as I bawled my eyes out, my body melting slowly on the inside.
I left Levi in the hall that night, and I cried with Asmo.

"Seriously, he didn't even think about you." Asmo said, brushing my hair back.

We sat in Asmo's room, he was fixing up my hair for the club he was going to take me to.
He said that I needed a rebound, and to forget Levi.
But, how could I? We were basically mates!
Yeah, mates who don't even talk. Who am I kidding?

"Aw, don't cry again, Y/n!"

Asmo wrapped his arms around me, as soft tears slid down my cheeks.

"Good thing I didn't do your make up yet." Asmo kissed my cheek softly.

"Now, let's find you an outfit!"

The Fall, where Asmo and I were currently standing.
We were standing, yes. On the dance floor.

"Don't cry, Y/n." Asmo said. "Just have some fun, and find someone you think is hot! Which should be me, but, you know!"

And, just like that, I was left alone on the dance floor.
I sighed, walking over to the bar.

"What would you like?"

"The strongest drink you have."

"Huh, is someone going through something? Come on, you can tell me."

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