Obey Me!- Happy Birthday, Asmo- chan!

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Asmodeus x fem. Reader NSFW

I sit up in bed, thinking about today.
It's Asmo's birthday!

I happily get out of bed, and rush to the bathroom to shower.
Today, I'm going to give Asmo everything he wants.
Today, I'm going to be his submissive slave, his lap dog, his willing little woman.
Even his little bitch.

It isn't exactly like that, though. I won't drop my pride off with Lucifer to be Asmo's slave. I'll serve him like a maid....to a degree.
Even though I do know what Asmo wants.

It's his birthday, and I know what he wants for his birthday.
Me. The thing he's been keeping his eyes on all month.

As I step out of the shower, I begin to dry myself with a towel.
I picked out my outfit today for Asmo.
I made sure it brought out his eyes; made sure it represented his very existence.

So, I brought myself out to look like him.
I knew he'd be in his demon form all day, because he was too excited last night.
Not in the sexual way, you pathetic freaks.

I opened the bathroom door, the smell of lavender following behind me.
I had on a skirt that was embedded with roses, just like Asmo's demon outfit.

Hearts where cut out of the sleeves of my red and yellowish shirt, the color of his eyes.

The shirt revealed some of my cleavage, with a V-neck, but I didn't care.
Why not show a little skin for Asmo on his birthday?

I knew that was a mistake. My goal is to make him feel special, not horny.

I stalked back into my room, and began to do my hair.
I single braid my hair, placing a pink holder at the end.

I made sure my bangs where just like Asmo's.
I hear Asmo cheering down the hall, smiling.
Happy birthday, Asmo.

There was a knock on the door, and I hoped it wasn't Asmo.
I didn't want to reveal what I looked like to Asmo, because I was shy.
There was another knock.

"Come in." I say, and Lucifer opens the door.

"Y/n, remember what we talked about yesterday. Make sure Asmo is happy in-!"

Lucifer got a good look at me as his sentence ended abruptly.

"My....You have Asmodeus written all over you." He says.

"That was my goal, thanks." I say.

"You even have his long sweeping bangs."

I smile. "I tried my hardest."

"You did a good job." Lucifer says, not taking his eyes off of me for one second.

Then, he silently leaves.
Lucifer must've looked off, because Satan peeked in at me.
I waved and Satan smiled.

"Come on out, Asmo's waiting on his present." He says.

"That just makes me even more self-conscious." I say, taking a step into my golden pump heels.

"You look good." He says.


I step out of my room, slinking down the hall.

"You've got his whole act down." Satan says.

I smile. "Of course I do. It's easy to put yourself in other people's shoes. In my opinion, anyways."

"I think so too. I just hope you can keep up his act in those heels."

"I'll end up switching shoes." I say.

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