Lust & Jealousy

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Uni x fem. Reader, Semi NSFW

I'd been an exotic dancer for a while now, and I'd been cat- called for a while now.
Gladly, Asmo was always around to keep me safe from all the succubus women and perverted men.
There was always someone around. Especially the perverts at R.A.D..
Amo and I were dating, too.

"Lucky you!" They say.
"Wow, congrats!" They say, but all Asmo's been doing is bragging about his appearance, and flirting with other girls.

I, on the other hand, am yandere, and I have to pull Asmo by his hair to tame him.
Sometimes I have to keep him tied to me while I go places.
He seems to act like a dog now.
If I don't keep him on a leash, he'll run off, but I still try my best to give him space.
He deserves it, I think.

"Hey Asmo!" A succubus called to Asmo, and winked with a big smile on her face.

"Hi darling!" Asmo called back, and give her a beautiful smile.

She giggled, and licked her lips as he began to flirt with her.
I growled between my teeth, yanking Asmo's hand.

"Hey!" Asmo said. "That hurt!"

"You wouldn't have to deal with it if you didn't flirt with other girls." I said, glaring at him.

He scowls. "It always seems like you're upset."

"I wonder the fuck why?"

"No need to yell, sweetie."

I grip Asmo's hand, and he pouts, pulling his hand away from mine.

"That hurts a little." He says, and another succubus exchanges greetings with him.

As I let out a frustrated scowl, I stomp over to the council room quickly, my heels clicking on the school floor.
I slam the door behind me, and Lucifer's head shoots up in my direction.

"Y/n, what did I tell you about-!"

"Not now, Lucifer!"

I sit down in my chair across from Lucifer, a frown on my face.

"Excuse me?" He says, leaning across the table. "Is there a prob-?"


I stand up, and lean across the table to Lucifer, who stands as well.

"Lucifer...." Lord Diavolo says. "Don't argue with Y/n, she looks like something is really bothering her."

Lucifer grunts and crosses his arms, before sitting down.
I sit down as well, anger and adrenaline coursing inside of me.

"It's Asmo, isn't it?" Satan asks, a seat away from Lucifer.

"Yes." I say sharply.

"He's flirting with other girls, I bet."


"I know that you're yandere, so of course you don't like it."


"I have a plan."


I sit up, looking at Satan with a broad, and wicked smile on my face.

"Jeez." I heard Mammon mumble, as Satan continues with a plan.

"Y/n!" A demon calls me, and blows me a kiss.

I blow one back, and lick my lips while my eyes trace him.
Asmo didn't seem to notice, but that wasn't the end of it.
How Satan got all of these male demons in on the plan, I don't know.

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