Beauty (Pt. 2)

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Beelzebub x fem. Reader, Soft NSFW

About a week later, I was asleep in my room. My sheets felt extra warm these days, and my pillows extra soft, and my body more relaxed.
The brothers were all sitting in the common room together, conversing.

"She's gotten really attached to you, Beel." Asmo says. "I think she likes you."

Mammon shivers.

"What if she does?" Belphie asks.

"You two should really date, then!" Asmo says happily.

"Should I ask her?" Beel asks, standing.

"Whoa!" Asmo says. "That's too fast! We don't even know if she likes you back!"

"It seems to me that she does."

"Yeah, but, what if she just wants to be around you a lot?"

"I think you're making excuses."

Beel leaves the common room, heading over to mine.
A knock awakes me, and I stumble over to open it.

"Oh, hey Beel." I mumble softly.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Sure. Just be quiet. I'm sleepy."

"Oh, but I want to talk to you."

"Oh. Okay." I let Beel in, and close the door behind us, as I go to sit on my bed.

"Y/n, I need to tell you some things."

"Are they bad?"

"No. I think."

"Then tell me."

Silence filled the room before he let the words fall from his lips abruptly.

"I..... I like you. No..... I love you."

I gasp. "You love me?"

"Don't you love me?"

"I love you so much it hurts, Beel."

Another silence fills the room as our faces slowly connected in a kiss.

"Mmm....." Beel lifts a hand to my cheek.

We pulled apart shortly after, and we were blushing fiercely.

"Um....." I lifted a hand to scratch behind my head, but Beel caught it, and our fingers intertwined.

"Y/n, may I have the permission to continue?"

I nod, and Beel places my hand behind his head and I latch onto him, as he pulls me into his lap.
He kisses me, gentle and passionate as his hands roam down to my hips.
He pulls me up against him, and as I stand on my knees, he sits between them, kissing me softly.
Things didn't stay soft for long, though.

Beel crawls over me, and places his left hand on my left cheek.

"I won't hurt you, I can promise you that." He says, and I smile.

For the first time in a while, I smile, believing Beel's promise, because I know for sure that he will keep this promise.
He leans down to kiss me, and his free hand begins to unbutton my shirt, slipping it off of my shoulders.
We slowly take off each other's clothes, barely keeping our lips apart as Beel positions himself on top of me.
I let out little gasps as Beel teases me slowly with his hands, gripping my breasts, and holding my arms above my head.

"Hold still." He says.

"I can't." I moan helplessly.

If my vagina could reach out to his cock, it would, because that's how much I need Beel right now.
I let out a little moan as Beel grips my left breast a little too hard.

"Y/n....." He mutters. "Can I? I can't hold on much longer."

I nod. "Yes, Beel."

Beel starts slowly, thrusting in the first time, but then his thrusts quicken.
He massages my breasts, moans erupting from my lips as I quiver beneath his touch.
He starts to thrust harder, and I let out another yelp in ecstasy.
I know now what love and beauty are.
Beauty isn't just how you look and act, it's who you are.
You, reader. You are beautiful, you are loved, just like me.
I'm loved, and now I know that.
My father never loved me, neither did those other men.
I know someone does, and that's all that matters.

"Beel's been in Y/n's room for quite some time." Lucifer says nonchalantly.

"Ooh, I wonder what they're doing?" Asmo says excitedly.

"I know." Belphie says.

"No, Belphie! Don't say a single word! We won't let you ruin the mood like you always do!" Asmo says.

"Besides, we all know what they're doing. They're fu-!"

"Satan!" Lucifer exclaims.

"What? It's not like you're embarrassed by it? Are you?"

Satan smirks at Lucifer, and Lucifer sighs.

"Seriously, when do I get a break?"

"When you die."

"Not now, Satan."

"What did I do?"

"Don't play dumb, Satan!"

"Don't lump me with Mammon."

"Hey!" Mammon exclaims.

"Well, now everyone's about to argue." Asmo whines sadly.

Beel left kisses all over my body, telling me how beautiful I was, telling me how perfect I am.
Now, we held each other in bed, snuggling close.

"I love you, Y/n." Beel says.

"I love you too, Beel."

We fell asleep like that, holding each other.

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