Aulterior Motives

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Belphegor x fem. Reader NSFW

"Mmm...." I groan happily, while I chew on a cookie.

Macadamia Nut, with white chocolate chips in 'em.

"Luke, you're the best..... I could kiss you....." I mumble.

Luke was already blushing from all the compliments I gave him, but now it just seems like he's flustered.

"D- don't do such a thing!" He gasps, and bats his eyes away.

I give Luke a hug, and squeeze him tight (since we're around the same height, it wasn't weird at all).
Luke got embarrassed, and eventually left, and it seemed like I was floating in Heaven for the rest of the day.
It was around lunch time when I ate those five cookies, and I let Beel have the rest since his mouth wouldn't stop watering.

That night, as I stepped out of the shower, I twisted my hair into a bun, and trudged out of the bathroom.
Except I didn't.

I almost tripped over Belphie, asleep in front of the bathroom door.

"Belphie..." I whispered, and placed my soft hands on his face.

He roused, and rolled into the middle of the hall.

"Get up, Belphie. You're sleeping in my room." I say.

"Mmm..." Belphie grunts, standing.

He stumbled right into my arms, and I help him to my bed.

I lay him down, and turn off the lights, easing into bed beside him after I dress into a robe.
Belphie mutters something, before rapping his arms around me.

"Nighty- night." I say, turning to rest my head on Belphie's chest.

I slip off to sleep.

A pair of hands grope my breasts, and I feel something tickle my hips.
I grunt, shifting, but that didn't lose the grasp of hands on my body.
I felt a tongue flick over my neck.
Maybe this was all just a dream.

"Y/n...." A voice whispers into my left ear.

I try to stay asleep.

"Y/n....." The voice purrs again, so I sleepily open my eyes.

I'm completely naked.
And Belphie's hands are all over me.

"Belphie!" I gasp, feeling that same tickle again.

"What is that?" I ask myself, looking down, and quickly looking back up.

I internally sigh.

"Belphie, go away." I say.

Belphie chuckles, giving my neck a wet kiss.

"C'mon, Belphie. Let's-!"

Belpihe lifted my right leg as we spooned, and dipped himself right in between my legs.
I gasp, gripping the sheets.
I can hear Belphie letting out a quiet moan.

"Y/n...." He whispers, gripping my breasts ever so tight.

"Ha!" I gasp. "Belphie, be gentle with those!"

Belphie slips his tongue over my neck.

"So, that's your weak spot?" He asks. "Your boobs?"

I didn't reply, as Belphie positioned himself on top of me.
He pushed himself all the way in, and let out another moan, as he began to move.

"Mmm....!" I could hear him, like he was tasting sweet candy, and his mouth was watering.

He gripped a clump of my hair, as he got me into doggy position.

Belphie chuckled. "I'm gonna make you scream, Y/n."

And it seemed like he intended on killing me for a second.
He moved a bit faster, my hips smacking onto him.

"Belphie..." I moaned, and he pulled me upward with the right hand that was in my hair.

He slipped himself out, and pulled me to the edge of the bed, putting himself right back in.
I moaned as Belphie smacked my hips.
He gripped my waist with both hands, moving fast.
slipped out a moan, as Belphie leaned over to lick my neck.
Belphie kissed me, and his hands found my breasts again.

"Belphie!" I gasp, when he grips my left breast a little too hard.

He sucked on my neck as he moved, and I let out another moan.
He snatched my hair back in an instant, and I yelped, as he let his saliva drip onto my neck.

"Ah...." I could hear him moan, like he was only getting rougher.

I felt the brush of a tail, and Belphie's right hand was slipping downwards.

"I can't hear you, Y/n." Belphie says, his right hand starting to play with my clit.

I gasped, burying my face into the sheets.
I grasped Belphie's hand as he played with me, and Belphie grinned.

"Oh?" He said, rolling backwards.

We lay on the floor, and I cry out, as Belphie speeds up.
His fingers continue to play while I moan and cry.

"Belphie, please!" I cry, and Belphie grips my hips with his left hand.

"Please, what?" He says aloud. "Don't try to be gentle with me!"

Belphie moans aloud, and makes me do so as well.

"Ah.....!' I cry out. I can feel myself getting hot.

I started to yell and gasp, my hands solid on the floor while Belphie ravished me.
I could feel Belphie getting hot, too.
His right hand moves rougher, and his left grips my neck now.
He moves himself quickly inside of me, and my head lay on his right shoulder.
I could just barely breathe Belphie's name as he let out ragged cry after ragged cry, and he tensed up one last time as I was throbbing.

"I'm..... coming.....!" Belphie grits, letting himself explode inside of me, and at the same time I did; I moaned a little too loud, as Belphie's right hand made me gasp, and his last hand gripped my waist tightly.

He kissed my neck, as he slipped out of me.

"We're on the floor...." I mumble, falling asleep.

Belphie must've noticed, because he lifted me back into bed.

"Y/n?" Someone asks. "Wake up, Y/n. I can't find Belphie."

I open my eyes again at dawn, and Beel stood before me.
Hair tousled, and nothing but boxers on.

"Isn't Belphie in here?" I ask, and peek over to see him beside me.

"Belphie..." Beel said happily.

Beel lifted a sleeping Belphie out of my bed, and whispered to me.

"I'm coming back for you." He said.

"Huh?" I mumbled, as I drifted off to sleep again.

A little while later I jolted up in bed, but was quickly yanked back down.
I gasp, as Beel had his left hand over his cock, and his right hand holding my wrist.
He placed my hand over his cock, and I began to play with him.
I slipped my finger over the tip, and I could feel a slight shudder, as I gripped him just a little harder.
Beel kissed me, and his breathing was already a little harsh by the time he whispered to me.

"Let me stick it in."

All I could do was groan as an acceptance.

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