Obey Me! The Trouble of Asmodeus

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Asmodeus x fem. Reader SFW

The eight of us sit in the music room, Satan on the piano.
He plays Ludwig Van Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, and I feel tension leave my body.
Wow, Satan has skills. He's talented.

"That's nice, Satan." I say, as I sit between Asmo's legs.

Before I knew it, my head leaned back and planted itself softly onto the couch cushion.
Someone's phone lit up, and I lifted my head to look. As I lifted my head there was a soft tug on my hair, and my head slipped back onto the couch cushion between Asmo's legs.
My ears began to tune to Satan's music again.

Then, I got a text. From Beel.

I lifted my head once more to check my chat and it read:

(Hungry Man) BEEL- Asmo sent me this

There was a picture of Beel and Asmo's chat that also read:

(Big Bro) ASMO- I'm 📯

ME- You're trumpet

(Big Bro) ASMO- That's a horn

(Big Bro) ASMO- So I'mmmm______


E- In a school band

I look at Beel at the other end of the couch, eating a candy bar.
I texted back.

ME- That means he's horny, Beel

(Hungry Man) BEEL- .....Get your head from between his legs right now😡

ME- ......

I stand in front of Asmo and leave the music room, passing Levi on his way out as well.

I close my room door behind me and slip down to the floor, sighing.
I decide to take a shower and begin to gather my clothes, when-

(Hoe) ASMO- Got a min?

ME- I'm going to take a shower, be done soon. Wait for me in my room

No reply.

I slip down the corridor into the bathroom, and in an hour, I'm in my robe.
I'm completely exposed underneath, but Asmo won't notice, right?
I peer into my room to see Asmo lying across my bed.
Satan's piano playing grows louder in the distance.

"Asmo?" I say, rather than ask.

"Oh, Y/n!" Asmo says, sitting up. "I was just about to text you!"

Asmodeus stands and drags me over to the bed, pulling me down beside him.
The robe exposes some of my skin now, and as I try to cover it, Asmo's hand stops me.

"It's okay." He said. "I know better than to get excited over a little skin."

I give a small sigh of relief. Good, then you can hold back a good while.

"I wish I could charm you, and it bothers me." Asmo says.

"Is this why you needed me?" I ask.

"Wow, love, I just wanted to talk to you."
Asmo grimaces. "Is that so terrible? At least it's not something drastic."

I sigh, apologizing to Asmo.

"I just thought you wanted something else." I stammer.

"Like what?" He asks. "Or is it that you want me to want something too?"

Asmo's fiery gaze traveled across me, and I could tell he was getting even more excited by the minute.
I became flustered, scooting back from Asmo, only for him to catch me by the hip and pull me back.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

There's the bad feeling. Chills went down my spine.

Asmo looks deeply into my eyes, and I could feel something. It felt wrong.
Soon though, it didn't. His magnetic eyes pulled me in, using incredible force.

If he used most of his power to try his best to charm me, I don't know. His eyes continued, in need to draw me in, and suddenly I found my lips close to his.
Then, Asmo planted a soft, delicate kiss on my lips, and I craved for more.
He kisses me again, and I almost moan at his touch.

There was a knock on the door that startled us. He looked to the door, and I was released from his magnets.
I took a deep breath and stood.

"Y/n?" Beel called. "Can I come in? Where's Asmo?"

I crossed my room to open the door, and let Beel in. I looked around the room to see Asmo's usual, but cheery gaze.
I frown at Asmo, and he smiled back at me, his gaze traveling me again.

"What's going on?" Beel said, eyeing me and Asmo throw glances at each other.

Beel lifted Asmo from my bed by his arm and Asmo started to complain.

"Hey, Beel! Let me go! What are you doing?"

Beel angrily put Asmo outside of my bedroom door and locked it.
Asmo began to bang on the door angrily.

"Hey! Beel, you're gonna pay for that!" His complaints filled the room as Beel and I watched the door.

I stole a glance at Beel, only to find he was looking at me.
I turn to him and we stare at each other.

"What?" I ask. Beel wraps his arms around me.

"Tell me what happened," Beel said. "Did he kiss you?"

If tell Beel what happened, it's likely he'll blow a fuse.
If I tell him, everyone's screwed. Especially Asmo.

"It's okay." I told him instead. "We didn't do anything too terrible."

"Yeah, but what did you do?"
Silence filled the room.

"So he kissed you." Beel said, eyeing my full-hearted lips.

Another silence pierced the room while Asmo angrily gave one last bang on my door.
Beel's face twisted into an angry expression. He frowns down at me.

"Did you let him?" He asks.

"It's not like that, " I said. "He kind of....used a bunch of power to charm me."

"I thought he couldn't charm you?"

"I thought so too, but I still felt something."

Beel took my hand in his. "Don't say it like that."

He led me out of the door as my silk robe now fluttered behind me. My bare feet carried after his.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

Beel glanced at me. "To Lucifer's room. I'm sure he's in there."

"What?" I ask. "Why?"

"To figure out how you got charmed."

"Won't that mean telling Lucifer what happened?"

Beel was silent. "I just want to know how you were charmed."

I knock on Lucifer's door.

"Enter." Lucifer says.

We silently open the door.

"Oh. Y/n, Beel. What's the problem?"
Beel looked Lucifer in his eyes.

"Y/n was charmed by Asmo, but we don't know how, and he was in-"

"Whoa, slow down, Beel. Asmo was in Y/n's room?" Lucifer asked.

Beel looked at me. "Go ahead, tell him."

So, I tell him. About Asmo grabbing my hip, and about his magnetic pull.
Lucifer wasn't too happy about this.

"Asmo did what?" Lucifer yelled angrily.

Lucifer stood from his desk and took my hand in his. He spun me, examining me.
After examining me viciously, he snarled.

"Oh, yes." He said. "Asmo's gonna get eight ears full."

That night, I could barely sleep, and Asmo couldn't either.

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