Seven Pieces(Pt. 1)

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Pieces won't be in order, First is Lucifer x fem. Reader

"So, drink this." Solomon says.

I hesitate. "The last time I took your little Science experiment, I turned into a cat."

"I would've loved to see that." Satan says.

The dining room was occupied by Solomon, me, and the boys.
Lucifer sat at the head of the table.

"What effects will that potion have?" He asks.

Good damn question.

"So, one day, every week, she will turn into one of the sins."

Solomon eases over a dark blue liquid substance in a beaker.
He grins.

"Come on, Y/n...."

I sigh. "Fine."

I take the beaker from Solomon, and drink the liquid.

"Did it work?" Mammon asks.
I burp, loudly.

"Eww..." I say, and then I'm covered in a dark blue cloud.

Horns slip right out of my head, and I feel a slight rumble in my back.
Four wings, just like Lucifer's pop out of my back. I groan, clutching my forehead as a diamond imprints right above my eyebrows.
I shudder, and as the smoke cloud dissappears, I have a long black dress that fades into dark blue, and covers my feet.

It kind of hurts....

My wings are fully extended, and I feel a sudden surge of pride and confidence.
Lucifer raises a brow as I stand at the end of the table.

"You look..... different." He says.

"Yeah, your right eye is a translucent blue." Satan says.

Mammon's blushing.
I sigh.

"Um, what now?" I say, but when I look at Solomon, he's scribbling down notes.

I scowl, banging my fists down on the table.

"I said, what is next?"

I cross my arms.

"Whoa." Levi mutters.

"I like it." Asmo says. "Like a queen."

I smirk. "I know."

Asmo gapes as I strut off.

"So, um Y/n....." Lucifer leans in my doorway, my door wide open.

"What?" I ask, brushing my hair in the mirror.

He doesn't say anything, so I narrow my eyes at him.

"Are you gonna say something?" I ask, and Lucifer snaps back into reality.

"I just wanted to say..... you look good."

"I know." I say. "I wouldn't dare let anyone tell me otherwise."

"Wow." Lucifer grunts.

"What was that?"

"I mean, I don't like girls like that. Ones who brag about their appearance."

"Well, this must be how you act, since I have your sin's characteristics. So get off of your high horse."

"You think you're so cool, huh?"
Lucifer stomps into my room, towering over me like a teen.

I almost laughed. He sounds like a child.

"Yes." I say, and Lucifer grits his teeth.


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