Seven Pieces(Pt. 6)

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Belphegor x fem. Reader

"It's either Sloth or Gluttony today." Solomon says.

"You know what?" I grumble. "I really don't care."

"Drink mine." Belphie says.

"Get out of my room." I say, rolling over in my bed.
I raised the covers over my face, and pray that they leave.

"Come on, Y/n. You can't just bail out now. Beel and Belphie want to see you as their sin, too."

"I just wanna sleep." I say.

"Then drink mine." Belphie says, holding out a beaker with dark purplish liquid.

"If you drink my sin's potion, you'll have an excuse to sleep."

I pop my head from under the covers, and look at Belphie. Beel, and Solomon.
Beel was eating custard, and I smirked, remembering The Custard.

"Stand up." Solomon says. "You know if you drink it laying down, the potion won't work correctly."

"I wonder why." I mutter, sitting up.

I open my mouth, and let Belphie pour the drink for me.
I burp, and they gasp, as a dark purplish cloud covers me.
Belphie's horns hurt my head, and his tail makes me feel like I pooped myself.
I chuckle, thinking about this as my headache intensifies.
The cloud disappears again, and Beel's choking on custard.
How you do that, I don't know, but Solomon had to help Beel.

"You look gorgeous. Your right eye is bluish- purple this time."
I smile and yawn.

"I don't like the way this tail is swinging under my dress." I say, yawning again.

"We could make a slit in the dress so you could have the tail hang out." Solomon said.

"Yeah. Sure." I mumble, almost collapsing to the floor.

"Whoa!" Belphie catches me.

"Don'tsh fall ashleep yet." Beel says with his mouth full.

Solomon chuckled. "Do you have a pair of scissors?"

I point to the desk drawer beside my bed, and lay down again.

"That wouldn't seem right." Solomon says.

"I don't care." I say. "Just hurry up."

Solomon ripped a tiny slit into my dress, and I shoved the boys out of my room to fix my tail.
They began to knock on my door by the time I finished.

"Hey!" Belphie yelled. "Let me in! You can't just shove us out of your room like that!"

Belphie opens my door as I lay down in my bed.

"Guys....." I mumble. "I'm sleepy....."

My eyes begin to droop, and Belphie shakes me back to life.

"It's just me. Solomon told me to watch you, even though you're going to sleep."

"Mmm....." I mutter. I pull Belphie over me, and he rolls over me.

"Want me to stay with you?" He says, pulling me closer in an embrace.

I nod, facing him with my head resting on his chest.
Belphie lifts my chin to meet his face.

"Rest easy......"

I fall asleep, oblivious to what Belphie actually meant.

"Mmph..... Belphie, whatever you're doing, now isn't the time."

Belphie pulled my dress over my head, and I didn't hesitate to get back into sleeping position.

"C'mon, Belphie, I haven't slept all day."

"You've been asleep for five hours, wake up now."

"Look who's talking."

"I'm allowed to do that."

"Am I not?"


Belphie somehow unclips my bra, and tossed it aside.

"Everyone's asleep. You've slept through dinner. Solomon's gone, too."


Belphie takes one of my breasts into his mouth, and I yelp.
I quickly cover my mouth, and push Belphie away from me.

"I'm up!" I whisper frantically. "I'm up! What do you want from me?"

Belphie beams. "We both know what I want, Y/n."

I sigh, returning back to my sleeping position.

"So, you're going to ignore me?" Belphie says, creeping back over me.

"Huh?" He slips his left hand over my neck, and that's when I stiffen.

Belphie's fingers grip my neck, and I feel a pang of pleasure travel through my body.

"You may like this, but I'll use it to get what I want."

Belphie starts to grip my neck tighter, and use his other hand to caress my body.
I shudder and shiver, each time Belphie's hand tightening around my throat.
Belphie smirks at me, and I almost let out a moan.
His maniacal smile is driving me off the edge.

"C'mon, Y/n Let's have fun...."

The pressure on my neck is released, as Belphie spreads my legs.

"Oh? You're already this horny? Were you having wet dreams? Is that why you didn't want to wake up?"

Belphie sticks two fingers between my legs, and I let out a soft moan.

"Belphie....." I whisper.

"Hmph." Belphie seemed triumphant as he smirked.

He crept over me, and as he thrusted himself in, he gripped my breasts hard.
I let out a shriekish moan, and Belphie kissed me to quiet me down.

"Mmph...." I groaned, as Belphie continued to take strokes.

A string of saliva connected us as Belphie pulled from the kiss.
He kissed me again, saliva clinging to our lips.

"Ha..... Y/n....." Belphie grunted in a low tone.

I pulled Belphie down to me, and let him plant wet kisses on my neck as I let out soft moans.
Belphie thrusted harder.

"Louder, Y/n." He said, and gripped my hair tightly.

I called for Belphie, and he held me tighter.

"I'm here." He said. "I'm never gonna let you go!"

I started to break a sweat, as Belphie clung to me with kisses.

"Belphie!" I called again, and he grips my hair tighter.


Belphie rolls onto his back, bringing me with him.
He slams my hips down onto him, and moans softly.

"Oh.....Y/n....." I can see Belphie's mouth inch open a little as I'm slammed onto his cock again.

I let out a moan, as I force Belphie to speed up.

"Ha.....! We both cry in unison, as we both tense up.

"Y/n.... I'm gonna- Ah!" Belphie grips my hips tightly as he forces me to stay down on him, and I tilt my head back in a moan.

I feel my back being placed back onto the sheets, and Belphie laying down beside me.
We both catch our breath, as I hold onto Belphie.

"Ha....." I silently sigh, letting my legs ache in pleasure.

I look up at Belphie, and he kisses my forehead.
He holds me closer, and rests his head over mine.

"I like this....." Belphie mumbles before falling asleep.

"Me too." I say, as I drift off to sleep.

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