Seven pieces(Pt. 3)

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Asmodeus x fem. Reader

"Read-?" Solomon begins, but I pick a random beaker from the row of five bottles left.
I drink the pink liquid, and burp.

"Wait a minute!" Asmo says. "Did she pick the pink one?"

"Apparently." Solomon says, shrugging.

They completely ignore the bright pink cloud enveloping me, and Asmo gawks at Solomon.

"Does that mean she picked my sin?" Asmo shrieks excitedly.

"Yes?" Solomon says sarcastically, but Asmo cheers anyways.


Lucifer flashes a look of disgust on his face, as they turn to look at me.
Asmo gasps, Beel chokes on his food again, Belphie wakes up with wide eyes; Lucifer is leaning forward on the table now, Mammon's jaw is dislocated, Levi is gaping, and Satan is surprised.

"This time it's...... pink." He says. "You have big tits....."

I smirk, and narrow my eyes at them.
Asmo looks at my wings and horns.

"They look just like mine." He says, shifting into his form.

"The tattoos, too." Asmo walks over, and feels the heart tattoos along my arm, and notices something.

"There's a big one your thigh, too."
Asmo's hand brushes over it, and I shiver.

"I love these BOOOOTS!" Asmo shrieks.

"They look like sorceress boots." I say.

"They are TO DIE FOR!"

I smile.

I look at everyone as they stare at me.

"..... Those racks....." Satan says.

"Okay, we get it." Lucifer says, walking off.

"Oh my..... oh..... oh my....." Levi says.

"I think I should go." I say, walking off.

Is this what it feels like to be Asmo?

I roll over in my bed, and stare out of the window not far away.
I feel so..... horny.
My body feels hot, and I can't control myself.
I shiver. This cover feels so nice.....
What, no! Wait! Don't touch them.....
I need to go find Asmo, maybe he can help me.
I stagger out into the hallway, and spot Solomon.
He looks up at me.

"Oh, hey Y/n. I was just looking for you."

"I was looking for you." I say, stalking towards him.

No I wasn't!

I put my arms around Solomon's neck, and taunt him.
I lick my lips, looking directly into his eyes.

"Solomon....." I say.

Solomon looked very hazed over. He wraps his arms around me, and leans in closer.
Is solomon charmed?
He kisses me, and I let a bit of pleasure slip out of my lips.

"Hold me tighter." I whisper in his ear, and he squeezes me ever so tightly.

"Hey!" Mammon charged down the hall, looking as red as ever.

"What are you guys doin'!"

Asmo appears right behind him, stomping along with Mammon.

"Let go of Solomon! He's mi-! I mean, he's not yours!"

Mammon ripped me off of Solomon, and Solomon blinked twice rapidly.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Y/n charmed you!" Asmo said, clinging to his arm.

"What powerful magic." Solomon says, pulling his arm from Asmo.

Mammon pulled me away from Solomon as he approached, and Solomon stopped in his tracks.
He looked between Asmo and Mammon.
He smirked, walking away.
Asmo glared at me.

"Solomon's MINE." He gritted, and he met my lustful eyes. Asmo smirked.

"You're coming to my room. You look like you're going to go on a rampage any second now."

Asmo snatched me from Mammon, and Mammon stood there, upset.

"Hmph." He grunted, walking off.

"Come on in." Asmo said, closing the door behind him.

He locked it. and looked me straight in the eyes.
I pinned Asmo up against the door, and he let a little cry of pain as I held his wrists down.
I kissed him, and he struggled to get out of my grasp.
I let go of one of his wrists, and stroke his hair gently.
I smirk, and Asmo's eyes widen.
He grabs my wrists, and drags me to his bed.
I hover over him, and kiss him hungrily.

"Y/n....." I hear him mumble, as I unbuckle his pants.

"You've been wanting me all this time, haven't you?" I asked, Asmo's cock standing straight up.

I look back up at him, smiling seductively.

"Well, I've been needing you."

Asmo puts his hands on my waist, and flips us.
He slips off my panties, and sticks his fingers inside of me.

"Gosh, you're wet." He says, as I struggle to keep my composure.

"It's alright." Asmo says, slipping his fingers deeper inside. "Let go."

I let out a frustrated groan, as Asmo pulls his fingers out.
He licks them, and then kisses me.

"How does that feel?" He asks lustfully.

"Mmm....." I say, as Asmo teases me with his cock.

"Asmo....." I started, gripping his arms. "Do it. Fuck me senseless. Fuck me as hard and deep as you can."

Asmo smirked, pushing himself inside of me harshly.
I moan, as Asmo grips a clump of my hair.
Asmo begins to fuck hard and fast, letting out a moan of his own.
He grips my hair tightly, as the masochism creeps up inside of me.

"Make..... make..... it..... hurt!" I cry, and Asmo goes in harder.

I can tell he's having fun, because he grips my breasts tighter, and I yell.

"Asmo!" I call, and Asmo leans down and pecks my lips.

He lets out another soft moan, and starts to feel my body.
I begin to pant; I can feel Asmo getting bigger while he's inside of me.

"Ah..... Y/n..... You're so cute like that. You're making me..... making me....!"

Asmo moves as fast as he can, and we start going at each other like wild animals.
I flip us, and ride on top of Asmo as I pin his arms down.

"Y/n! Be gentle with my body!" Asmo yells, but when I let go of his arms, he smacks my ass.

He flips us again, gripping my throat.
I can barely let out squeals as Asmo goes down as deep and fast as he can.

"Y/n!" Asmo exclaims. "You feel so good!"

Asmo takes his right hand off of my neck, and cups my cheeks with both of his hands. He leans down as we both pant, and we press our lips together, and panting again when we stop.
Asmo tenses up, and pulls me up into his arms.

"Hah!" Asmo moans.

I let out a cry of pleasure as Asmo grips my hips.
He slams my body down on top of him quickly, as he slips his hands to my waist.
He lets himself fall backwards, as we both tense up.
Asmo moves the fastest, working his hips up and down.

Asmo and I moan simultaneously, hitting our climax.
I lay down against Asmo, panting.
He makes a trail of kisses up my neck.

"Asmo..." I mumble, placing my hand against his head.

"Y/n....." Asmo says, softly, slipping out of me. "You're so cute when you get pleasured."

I smile.

"Y/n?" Asmo asks.


"You're mine now. You belong to me."
Asmo and I lay in silence.

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