Seven Pieces(Pt. 2)

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Leviathan x fem. Reader, lowkey a brat this time smh...

"Next." Solomon says, closing his eyes.

"I didn't know there were separate bottles." I say.

Solomon opens one eye, and looks at me.

"Beakers." He says, and I narrow my eyes at him.

He closes his eyes, and picks a random BEAKER.

He lifts up a light purplish liquid, and opens his eyes.

"Well." He says. "It looks like you're Envy today."

"whoa, really?" Levi asks, getting excited.

"Calm down, Levi." Lucifer says.

I down the bottle like I'm taking shots.
And burp.

"She definitely drinks." Asmo mutters to Satan, and once again, there was a cloud engulfing my body.

Light purple spreads all over me, and horns like Levi's spread out somewhat painfully.
I gasp in pain, as five or six diamonds patterned down my neck, and a tail slipped from out of me.
This hurts worse than yesterday!
A purple dress washed over me, and as the second cloud disappeared, ankle boots decorated with tiny bows were on my feet.

"Your right eye is translucent purple." Satan said.

Levi's jaw was on the floor, Lucifer's had a hand over his chest, gripping it tightly, Mammon looked like he was gonna get up and run, Asmo had a mischievous look on his face, Satan looked as dull as ever, Belphie was asleep, and Beel was choking on his food. I sigh.
My tail swishes behind me, and I see Solomon scribbling on paper again.

"So, um, can I have some head pats?" I asked, and Mammon ran.
I frowned.

"That's not fair! Don't you dare run away from me, I want HEAD PATS!"

I stomp my foot as Mammon runs off.
I plop down on the floor, and Levi runs over to me.
He begins to pet my head.

"Thanks." I say. "This feels nice."

I lean my head onto Levi's chest, and he becomes flustered.

"Um, Y/n, What are you doing?"
I don't respond.

"I- I'm sorry. Y/n! I have to go!"
Levi scrambles up and away, and I frown again.

"Petty...." I hear Solomon mumble as he scribbles down notes.

"Can I have some attention please?" I ask, and when I look up at the table, Lucifer, Satan, Beel, and Asmo are all gone.

Belphie and Solomon remain.

"Why did everyone run?" I ask.

"Well, Lucifer did a brisk walk to his room, Satan walked away carelessly, Asmo ran, Beel went back to the kitchen,"


"I don't know. Maybe they were frightened."

"Frightened. Sure."

"Maybe it could be because people who are jealous are also petty. They're demanding, bossy, and won't stop until they get what they want. They're like the evil billionaire in the movies."


Solomon chuckles.

"Go find Levi, maybe he'll give you some more head pats."

"That's all I wanted." I whine, standing up to run off.

"Levi?" I asked the.door.

"Who is the main character in-!"


Levi sighs. "That's wrong, but come in."

I open the door happily, and find Levi playing games.
In his demon form.

"Do I scare you?" I asked, and he paused.

He lost the game he was playing and cursed, dropping his controller.
He looked at me for a bit, my tail coiling around my legs.

"No. Why would I be?" He asked.

"Everyone else was."

"So, they aren't scared of me in my demon form, but they run away because of yours." Levi pouts. "That isn't fair."

I sit right between his legs, and Levi's flustered again.

"What are you doing?" He asks, as I lean onto his chest.

"Pay some attention to me." I say, as Levi starts a new game.

"I can't." He says. "I'm playing a game."

I whine, and Levi sighs.
He slips his tail up my leg and I giggle.

"That tickles." I say, as he slips it around my left leg.

"It only gets better from here." Levi mumbles.

He slips his tail up into my dress, and I giggle some more.
His tail coils around my waist, before playing with my chest.
another part of his tail was playing in my panties, and the end of his tail was nipping at my breasts.
I sigh, snuggling into his chest.
The end of his tail slips around my left nipple, and gives a slight tug.
I grit my teeth, and grip onto Levi's leg.
Levi smirks.
It looks like he's winning the game.
Levi's tail twitches between my legs, and I squeeze Levi's leg.

"Now you want to pay more attention to me?" I ask. "After I've been squirming and gasping while you play with me?"

Levi turns off his game, and tosses his controller to the side.
He wraps his arms around me, his face tucked into my neck.

"Answer me." I say, and Levi mumbles.

"I was giving you attention." He says.

"Not enough."

"What more could you want?"

"Everything I ever wanted."

Levi lays me across his bed, and his tail slips from under my dress. "You got my tail all wet." He says, smirking.

"Is the flustered otaku virgin just a character you play in front of your brothers?" I ask, pulling off his shirt.

"I just feel like I can be more of myself when I'm with you."


Levi pulls up my dress, and yanks off my panties.
He spreads my legs open, and dips his head in between my legs.
I moan.

"I know you won't last long." Levi says his face still tucked between my legs. "I've been teasing you all this time."

His tongue licks around, and I tense up for a second, and clench my fists.
Levi places his hands on my thighs, as if trying to get deeper inside of me.
I yell and moan, gripping the sheets.

"Levi!" I call. "Ahh!"

Levi looks up at me, a smirk on his face, as he stands.
He unbuttons his pants.
Levi crawls over me, licks his lips, and pushes inside of me.
I scream, digging my nails into his back as I hold him tight.
Levi slips his finger up my tail, and I shiver.

"Mmm..." I moan, as Levi begins to move.

Levi nibbles on my ear, and I run my fingers through his hair.
He moves faster, and sits up to look down at me.
My body's getting hot as we both moan loudly.

"I'm..... I'm coming!" I say, and grip Levi's arms, pulling him back down to me.

I can tell he's about to as well; I can feel how ragged he's breathing.
Levi lets out a cry, exploding inside of me, and I moan as well, hitting a pleasuring climax.
Levi and I hug each other tightly, as we catch out breath.
Levi kisses my neck.

"You don't know how long I've wanted this." He says.

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