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Diavolo x fem. Reader

Working under Diavolo as his assassin was the best job I'd ever been called for.
When I was requested by Diavolo, I was automatically intriuged. People say he never hires an assassin unless he thinks he can't kill the target himself, and that's almost never even heard of.
The last time he hired someone, was exactly eight thousand years ago, and my brother was on the job.
My brother and I are the famous demon assassin twins, Y/n and Ryuku Sato.
I hadn't even spoken to Diavolo since. We used to be lovers as well, but that ended because he was arranged to marry some other demon chick who's daddy was rich. He just owned a company that sold..... toys.
Of course, I was forced to leave, and I only dreamed of touching Diavolo just one more time.
Eventually, Diavolo finally got that demon chick off of his back, but when he came looking for me, I was nowhere to be found. My brother told him that I left to the human world to escape and take a break.
When I returned, Diavolo is who he is today. Not once did I get a phone call or text, and I soon got over him.
Now, I carry on with my life as a first rank assassin.

"There's been a summons for you, sis." Ryuku said.

"From the king? Diavolo?" I ask. I'd never said that name in centuries.

Ryuku nodded. "Hope you still don't have any feelings for him."

"No way in hell I do." At least I thought.

"He has a job for you, and don't be late. You should eat something before you go, oh, and make sure you bring your bla-!"

"Okay, Ryuku. I mean, mom. I'll at least eat something, now go away. My room doesn't need your presence."

"Fine, I'll leave, but stop calling me mom."

"Stop acting like her."

"She's dead."

"If you don't leave my room, you will be too."

I didn't bother to knock on the grand palace doors as I opened them.

"Barbatos." I said, greeting him as he looked up from what he was doing.

Writing in a small notepad.
I walked straight past him, asking where Diavolo was.
He then led me to Diavolo's study, three knocks before walking in.

"Barbatos, I've told you about just knocking and entering! You didn't even wait for my-!"

Diavolo finally looked up from his paperwork, and stopped biting on the pen he had.

"Y/n." He said. "The former sin of Pride."

"That's me." I said, crossing my arms.

I shifted my weight onto one leg, narrowing my eyes in Diavolo's.
He wavered a bit, then dismissed Barbatos.

"Long time no see." He said.

"Oh please, I could say the same about you."

I stalked over to his desk slowly, my arms swinging and my hips swaying.
I smirked into his eyes, and I watched him shift uncomfortably as he leaned up in his chair with one hand gripping an armrest.

"Y- Y/n..... I have your target in my pocket here....." He shakily says.

"Good." I say, crawling onto the desk.

My hands slip across the desk one by one, supporting my weight as I meet the other side of Diavolo's desk, right in front of him as some papers slip off the desk.
I lick my lips hungrily, pure danger in my eyes.
I lift up a finger to poke and pull at his bottom lip, watching his face.

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