Happy Pride Month!

641 12 3

Nonbi. M! Reader Lemon

You woke up to a quaint, musk smell as your limbs stretch and your back arched slightly. You wail, dreading the day to come.
Your stretch ends in a sigh, shakily ending as you relax into the bed and roll over.
Simeon is next to you, still fast asleep.
His hair is tousled, matted against the pillow and tickling his eyelashes. If you stare for too long you might fall asleep again, so you regrettably tear your eyes away from him.
You quietly roll out of bed, fixing the only clothing you had on you, your boxers.
With another yawn, your feet began to pad through the room. You went over to your wardrobe to gather up clothing and headed for the bathroom.

You didn't expect anyone to be awake at this hour, since Purgatory Hall is only silent when everyone is asleep. Well, also when Solomon isn't starting fires, or brewing potions.
You walk into the bathroom and place down your things, closing the door behind you and locking it.

Can't have Simeon coming in, now can we?

You turn on the shower and stand there a moment, listening to the spray and raking your fingers through your hair.

What's today.... Saturday? Yeah.... damn.

You drop your only clothing piece to the floor and step into the shower. You shrivel back at the heat because again, you had forgotten to adjust the temperature.


You proceed to wash your hair, swearing every time there was soap in your eyes, or when your fingers poked your eyes on accident.
You couldn't swear in front of Simeon, it'd be like a capital punishment and he'd make you do something ridiculous, like.... alphabetizing the dishes, or cutting the grass with gardening scissors if he were in a sour mood.
Next, you began washing your body, wondering if Simeon had realized you were gone yet, or maybe if he had awoken.

What an angel he was, to say the least. You're pretty sure if he had woken up before you, he'd let you sleep in. Even kiss you.
You start to wonder why you didn't kiss him, he definitely would've loved it.
Then again, you shove the thought away, he would've surely woken up and kissed you back.

You shiver and groan, realizing that altogether you had stopped lathering your body in soap and began stroking yourself to him.


All you did was wonder if he was awake.

I should've left the door unlocked for him. No, nevermind. Luke could've come in, and God forbid me corrupting the baby.

You steadied your body and mind, and started washing yourself again.
You flung your head back to whip the hairs out of your face, but the sudden thought that Simeon could pull it had you stumbling backward.
You hit the wall and slipped.

Luckily, you landed on your ass and the water was raining down on your face.
Unluckily, you grit your teeth at the searing pain erupting from your left ankle.
You gasped and wheezed, trying to hold in all the curses and yells you wanted to scream out.

Your mouth fell open in a deft attempt to scream.

"Fuck!" You gaped instead.

At least you could use your legs.
You shuffled around in feeble attempts of comfort, being much more careful not to slip on your hands and kiss the shower floor.
You ended up with your back toward the wall, and shower water pouring over your dick.


Stupid Simeon. With his dumb smile and coy laugh. And his stupid tight ass and ridiculously scandalous sexaul prowess. And his stupid soft hair, with that stupid slim body of his.

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