Submissive and Breedable

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I'm gonna have to put a hard lemon warning here, since this chapter contains triggers for people who have dealt with pregnancy related truama. Please wait for the next update if you don't want to relive your past. I'm not up for debate.
Thank you.
Also, sorry for another female reader. I know you guys like variety.

"I'm sorry." You say.

You sniffle.

"It wasn't you." He says.

"I know, but I'm sorry."

Mammon kisses you, lips pressing gently against yours as water splashes against his hair. His lips leave yours for one second more.

"I'm sorry." He says.

His lips begin to ask you for more, tongue slipping in and your mood changing. You gasp, steam clouding up the shower glass and hands finding Mammon's wet, matted hair.

You moan a little. "Mammon,-"

Mammon presses his lips to yours a little more roughly. He groans sweetly, tearing his lips from yours in a gasp.

"Fuck," Mammon swears, settling on his ass to massage his newfound erection.

He moans again. "Holy fuck."

His hips jut up into the air and he lets out a hissing breath. Your excitement rustles up yet again. It's another chance for you to make a baby. You wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world.

"God, please....." Mammon whispers among the steamed walls, a hot cloud escaping him.

His eyes darted over to you who only stares in excitement and disbelief, and he leans over and pulls your shirt off.


"I need this. I want you."

You leave no room for rejection as he pulls your shirt over your head and starts at your bra. You gasp when his teeth clamp around your neck lustfully. You moan a bit louder when his teeth sink deeper into your flesh, piercing it.
His hips hump against your leg shamelessly as he pulls your bra away, holding his other hand to your arm now.
He hums, slowing his lewd motions and pulling his pants down.
Your cheeks flush, never have you ever seen Mammon this hung up before since you met him.
You slowly start to pull your pants and panties off, trying to disregard the look of ravishing hunger from Mammon's eyes. Your own eyes start to wander to his legs, the dip between them, the bulge in his boxers jutting out and that they're soaked through with water.

"I can't hold back anymore. I want to fucking break your back." Mammon whispers.

You shiver, despite the heated water splashing around the two of you. Mammon pulls you across the floor of the shower and you fall onto your back. The water drizzles over your chest and face, but the water was quickly blocked away by Mammon's body.
He phases into his demonic form, boxers tearing away.
His cock sticks straight up, and you are tempted to reach down and touch it.

You do as temptation led you, looking him in his lusted eyes as you reach down and your fingers graze the tip.
Mammon groans, your hand grasping around the tip and feeling him thrust into your hand.
You pull your hand away teasingly just when Mammon thrusts inward again.
He growls, stopping and pushing his tip into you.

"Don't do that to me."

It's like his anger is rising, lustful hate boiling in the pit of his stomach. He's about to fuck you like he hates you in the shower.

He grasps your legs and makes sure you're flat on the floor. The shower water pours down Mammon's back and water catches in his numerous locks of hair. He pushes your legs forward gently, and you brace yourself on the wall with your hands.

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