Obey Me!- Thank Levi's Introvercy

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Levi x fem. Reader NSFW

Is all I can think as I lay in my room on the floor.
I didn't lay in my bed, for caution that I might pleasure myself.

Nnnnrrrggghhh! Fuck!

I can't take it.... I need some dick, bro...

At least a tease, or a little rough play.
Aahh, what are they doing? What are the boys doing?
I know I can't just pass myself around to them, but...
Lucifer's busy, as usual.
Mammon's not even home.
Levi's in his room, as per usual.
Satan's busy reading, and doesn't want to be bothered.
Asmo's practicing make up on himself.....
Beel's eating.
Belphie's asleep.

I sigh, clutching my hands into fists.
I only have three options: Asmo, Beel, or Levi.
Not Beel, he's too busy.

What about Levi?
He's always in his room, so no one will suspect anything; Besides, isn't he a virgin?
I furrow my brows, thinking about this.
Is Levi a virgin?
Or does he not have time for it?
He won't even let me in his room, barely, and when he does, he either needs something, or is talking about anime.
Not that it bothers me, it's just...has he ever even kissed a girl?
Then let's get him his first kiss.

I stand up, and brush my hair.
Levi's still running through my mind.
I make sure to brush my hair thoroughly, before standing in front of my mirror.
I eye myself in the mirror.
Yep, I obviously can't go on much longer like this.
My eyes are glossed over, and I'm lusting over Levi.
I sigh. I'm just acting on my urges, lust drunk.
My eyes roll over my cantaloupes, and I grin.

Levi's gonna love playing with these, hehe.
I'm so childish.

I decide to text Levi first.

ME- Levi? Let me in your room.

LEVI- Huh? What for?

I sigh.

ME- I wanna talk about anime.....

LEVI- I'm open, just walk in.

I smile then. Thank you Levi, for being an introvert.
I almost run over to Levi's room, making sure no one sees me. Levi doesn't like that.

"Levi?" I ask the door.

"Who is my favorite anime character?" The door asks.

"Ruri- Chan." I say, which was obvious.

"Come in."

My nipples almost harden as excitement bubbles.
I continue to act on my urges as I quickly open the door.

"Did anyone see you?" Levi asks, when I look at him.

"No." I say.

Levi doesn't even turn to look at me as he clutches his game controller.
I almost scowl.

"What about anime has you thinking?" Levi asks.

"Well..." I say, as I unbutton my shirt.
I stalk over to him slowly, unclipping my bra.

"I was wondering about anime with a little...ah, a little more...." I pretend to lose my words as I gently rest my chest against Levi's back.

I sit my head beside his left ear as I hug him from behind, continuing my sentence.

"I was wondering about any anime that had a little more... nudity."

"H-hentai." He mumbles.

Levi blushes.

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