Obey Me!- Happy Birthday, Lucifer!

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Lucifer x fem. Reader SFW

I guess it's time to be Luci's "Barbatos" now.

As I did on Asmo's birthday, I look like Lucifer.
That's right.
A black dress, with a hem that dangled just above my knees, and my hair was parted as Lucifer's, waves of locks cascading down my back.
A red bow decorated my hair, and thin black gloves covered my hands.
I applied chapstick to my lips, and eye drops to dilate my eyes.

I made sure I looked innocent enough, but deadly too. As Lucifer usually did. More like close to death.

I stepped into black heels. and latched a red belt across my waist, so it looked right with the dress.
I looked in the mirror as I heard my name being called.

We all knew that Lucifer didn't want much for his birthday, but we still wanted to make him happy.

"Y/n!" I heard Belphie call from down the hall.

"Happy birthday to you..." The rest of us sang, while Lucifer sat unhappily at the head of the table.

"You smell like a monkey..." Mammon started, but trailed off.

Luke had helped me prepare Lucifer's cake, and Simeon, Solomon, Lord Diavolo, and Barbatos were there as well.
Lord Diavolo reassured me that he wouldn't miss it for the world, and I knew he wouldn't.
Wonder why.....

We clapped for Lucifer, as we ended our off- tune singing, and I cut the first slice of cake for him.
Barbatos helped me bring out the drinks and snacks for the party, as Lucifer unhappily ate his cake.
Lord Diavolo chuckled mockingly as Lucifer frowned with each bite.
Happy Birthday, Lucifer!

"Y/n....." A drunk man looked over at me, with glazed eyes, and a wry smirk.

"Yes, Lucifer?" I ask uneasily.

I never liked being around people that were drunk, but I did love drinking.
Lucifer grunted, them gave me and uneasy look.
Before I could even move, Lucifer vomits on the floor.
I rush to his side from the chair next to him.

"Lucifer!" I gasp. I help him out of his seat, and into his room.

I asked Barbatos to bring a glass of water while I sit Lucifer in his bed.
He groans, clutching my hand as I pull away from him.

"Don't go..." He says. "I may be a little intoxicated, but I still have a grip on reality."

I sit next to him in bed and give his hand a slight squeeze.

"I'm not going to leave." I tell him.

Lucifer smiles at me, a dark smirk.
A little too dark.
I get another titallating, but uneasy feeling.
Barbatos brings me the glass of water and a cookie before he bids us goodbye.
I make Lucifer nibble on the cookie while we talk.

I hate drunk conversations.

"Y/n." Lucifer says. "Y/n! That's a beautiful name! Ah, I love it."

Lucifer finishes the cookie and takes a swallow of water.

"Do you like your name?" He asks.

I pause.

"I mean...It's my name." I say.

"Yeah, but do you like it?"

Lucifer's words were slurred, and I could just make out what he said.

"I guess I do. I mean, how many people have my name?"

"A lot." Was my answer from Lucifer.

Lucifer falls over on his side in bed, laughing, and I attempted to pull him back up.

"Why did you do that?" I gape at him, as I gather up in front of him to pull him up.

"'Cause..." He began. "I wanted to see you."

I frown at him. "You should've just looked!"

Lucifer chuckles. "No, I mean I wanted to see you naked."

I sigh. Oh boy.

"How is rolling over to the side going to help with that?" I ask.

"'Cause..... I'm just getting in position."


There was a knock at the door, and Mammon called out for me.

"Y/n?" He asks, and I stand to open the door.

Lucifer squeezes my hand, and I wince.

"Y/n?" Mammon calls again.

"Come in." I say, and Lucifer whines behind me.

I sit back down beside Lucifer as Mammon comes in.
Mammon sits on the other side of Lucifer and smirks at him.

"How long do you think he's gonna be like this?" He asks.

"No idea." I say.

Mammon looks at me from across the bed.

"Has he flirted with you yet?" He asks.

Should I tell him? I know if I tell him, he will be upset.

I keep quiet, and look away.

"Y/n." Mammon says quietly. "I'm not as dumb as ya' think."

I silently look at him, and can tell that he's upset.

"I'm sorry, Mammon. Lucifer just said one thing, is all." I say.

"What are you guys even talking about?" Lucifer blurts out sloppily. "Are ya' talking about meh?"

Mammon and I look down at Lucifer on the bed.
I slip my hand out of Lucifer's.

"I should go." Mammon says.

He must have noticed me slip my hand out of Lucifer's, because he looked even more upset when he closed the door beside him.
Poor Mammon.

"Finally, that loser's gone." Lucifer says. "I mean, I love him, but he can be a loser sometimes."

"You love Mammon, huh?" I ask.

"Of course I do."

Lucifer and I sit in silence while he continues to sober up.

"Can I have a kiss?" He asks a while later.

I really expected him to be asleep, but I look over at him.

"A kiss? Why?" I ask.

"It's all I want for my birthday." He says. "All I ever wanted."

I looked at Lucifer, and he looked back at me with soft eyes.
I lean over to kiss him, and he holds me by the nape of my neck as we kiss again.

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