Happy Birthday, MC!

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Today is my birthday, so I wrote my tale today with one of my favorite characters in Obey Me!, with a harsh lemon warning.
Uni (mainly Diavolo) x fem. Reader

I can't tell them!

No way, not on my birthday!
I just want to have a peaceful day, sleeping and eating, writing and more sleeping.
So, I can't tell them that today's my birthday.
As I lay in my bed, facing away from the door, I heard it open.
I reluctantly rolled over, and stared at Lucifer.... staring at me.

"I suppose you know what today is." He said.

"Do not say. A word." I growled.

"Oh? What if I slip something to Asmo?"

"No!" I fell out of bed, trying to run to Lucifer.

I pleaded, looking up at Lucifer.

"Don't tell anyone. I just want to have a nice day."

"All right, I'll let you have your way. Since it's your birthday."

I sigh.

"I can feel myself getting older."

"Get as old as me, and then say that."

"Yeah? How old are you?"

Lucifer worldlessly looked away.

"Strike one." He said, and I gasped.

"No! Come on!"

Lucifer chuckled. "Okay, maybe you don't get your way today, but for your sake, I'll be quiet."

"Thanks, Luci." I wrapped my arms around him.

"Strike two."

I bounced away as quickly as possible, and frowned.

"No fair."

"Are you upset?"

Lucifer took a step closer, leaning down to lift my chin up.
I locked eyes with him as his tongue darted over his lips.

"We can't have that on your birthday."
I shivered and blushed, turning away from him.

"You shouldn't push me away like that. I'm keeping a secret for you, after all."

I crossed my arms with my back to him as he towers over me.

"I wouldn't call it a secret." I say. "If I get older, I just get older. Besides, you're just flirting."


"Okay! Okay!" I turned to Lucifer, tossing my hands in the air.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"Nothing." Lucifer says. "I just want to wish you a happy birthday."

"A what?" Someone said as they passed my door.

Asmo's head popped into the room, and everything went silent.

"Y/n, today's your birthday?" Asmo asked.

I made a fake cough, and Asmo jumped up and down.

"Happy birthday!" He sang, running over to hug me.

I let out an awkward chuckle.

"Thanks." I say.

Asmo pulls away from me and grins. "I've got the perfect present for you."

"Huh?" I asked. "I thought you didn't know it was my-?"

"Just come with me!" Asmo says. He drags me along as I stare back at Lucifer, confused.

"Come to my room in ten minutes." He says, smirking.

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