14K!- Well.... I mean... /Male reader

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"God dammit, Asmo!"

You slam the door, stomping off to your room to pout and possibly cry.
You sigh. This is the third time. The third time he's cheated on you, stabbed you in the back, and broke your heart. You go to your room, lay on your bed, and close your eyes.
You start to cry, balling up as small as you can on your covers.

"Why?" You sobbed.

But, you already knew why. He's the Avatar of Lust, of course he wasn't having one partner.
You get under the covers and cry yourself to sleep.

The next day rolls on like thunder, because really, it was raining and you didn't want to move from your bed.
You'd been laying there, wide awake past time, with your eyes staring out of the window.

Knock, knock.

"Hey, (Y/n)- kun, please let me in."

Who is that?

"You haven't come to eat breakfast, so I was wondering if you were okay."

It's Beel.

"If not, I'll eat your food."

Your head popped up from under the covers.

"I'm coming. Don't eat my food."

You trotted down the stairs, hopping down the last step and walking into the kitchen. You greeted everyone so tension wouldn't brew, and by greet I mean-

"Hey guys...."

That's it.
You grabbed a fork and knife on your way to the table, and popped Satan a kiss on the cheek.

"What's for breakfast, Tan- tan?" You joked.

Satan grimaced so deeply he looked just like Lucifer.

"Never do that again." He said, fanning you away from him. "Rice omelets are for breakfast."

You gave everyone a hoaxing smile, and sat down at the table. You begin to eat silently.

"(Y/n)," Lucifer started. "Come meet me in my room after breakfast. I need to discuss something with you."

You nodded, peeking at Asmo in your peripheral.

Heh, he looks disgusted. Karma's a bitch, don't you think?

After breakfast and your meeting with Lucifer, you all headed off to R.A.D.. You pulled out your phone and texted Satan one simple message.

It happened again.

At first, you didn't expect him to answer, or to know what you were talking about, but-

I'm so sorry for what happened, (Y/n). It seems the only superior one in the house is me.

Do you have a superiority complex?

It would seem so. Even so,I'm sorry for Asmo's terrible actions.

You shouldn't apologize for something he did. It isn't your fault.

I know, but did he even apologize?


I rest my case.

You looked over at Satan as you both headed to class together. He was across the hall, looking at you.
You two locked eyes, he walked over and took your hand.

"Shall we walk to class together?" He asks, and in your peripheral, you see Asmo.

Heh, he looks disgusted. Karma's a bitch, don't you think?

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