Yandere Mammon & Levi

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Mammon x Levi x fem. Reader

As I relaxed in a tree branch near the HoL, I noticed something.
A pair of eyes on me.
I look around, searching for the owner of the eyes, and I almost fall out of the tree when I find their owner.
Mammon was looking out of my window, eyes locked on me angrily.

Aw man, I'm in big trouble.

Mammon told me not to go out today, that people would be watching me.
Yet, I snuck out anyways.

B- but, this doesn't count, r- right? I'm not in public, so-!

"Y/n...." Mammon says, opening my window. "Get in here. Right now."

I silently let myself fall from the tree branch, landing on ny feet.
I look up, and watch Mammon close my window silently.
I smile, despite myself. I can't wait. Can't wait for Mammon to make me cry.

To be honest, I snuck out on purpose.
I drag my feet, as I slowly wade into the house.
I keep up with my submissive act, shying away when Mammon appears before me.

"Come on." Mammon mutters, gripping my left wrist, and dragging me along with him.

He keeps his head low, as he trudges to his room.

"Mammon, this hurts...." I whine, and Mammon grups my wrist tighter.

"This is only the beginning." He says, and I grin.

I can't help but feeling aroused, since yandere is my type.
I just hope Levi doesn't do me in so badly.
He's the one that scares me.
Mammon pulls me on, and closes his room door quietly behind us.

"Y/n." Levi says, and I stiffen.

"Yes, Lev- I mean, daddy?" I stutter.

"Didn't Mammon tell you not to go out today?"

"Yes." I get on my knees, on the floor beside a standing Mammon.

Mammon reaches down, and grips my hair a bit.
I try to hide my smirk as best I can.

"Do you think this is funny?" Levi asks, stanfing up from Mammon's sofa.

He stomps over, and grips my chin tightly.

"Goddammit, Y/n!" Levi kisses me roughly, and I'm startled by his profanity.

Levi's never cursed before, not to my knowledge.
He lets go of my chin, and slaps me across the face.
I put on a poker face to hide my smile.

"Mammon told you not to go outside, and you disobey his orders?"

Mammon pulls me up roughly by my hair, and I let out a cry of pleasure.

"So, you do think this is funny." Levi said, standing.

Mammon pulls me by my hair over to his bed, and tosses me down.
He goes under his pillow, and pulls out a ribbon.
A long, black ribbon.
He continues to tie my wrists to the bedpost, and I start to struggle when Levi slaps me again.
He leaves the room for a moment.
Mammon starts to take off my clothes.

"Please, Mammon..." I whine and beg. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

"We can't garuntee that, now can we?"
He continues to rip my shirt down the middle, and rip it off of me.

Levi comes back in.

"Good thing Satan let me borrow this...." Levi reveals a long black whip from behind his right leg, and I shiver.

"Ahh..... no, please, Levi!"

Just as Mammon moves out of the way with my last piece of clothing, Levi lashes me across my body.
I scream and cry.

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