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Mammon x fem. Reader

"Give me my baby back!" Mammon cried.

No, not an actual baby, Mammon's credit card, Goldie.
As if I'd run around with a child between my two fingers.
I turn a corner, and rush up into the attic were Mammon wouldn't find me.
I found Belphie there, sleeping. As always.
I did a short bird whistle, but Belphie didn't stir.

"Belphie." I called sweetly, and I walked over to shake Belphie to life.

"There he is." I say like a mother, as Belphie opens his eyes.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm tired?" Belphie lifts his head.

"I wave Goldie in Belphie's face, and his eyes widen.

"Give it!" He says, reaching out with both hands to grab it.

"No way." I say. "It's gonna take a lot more than that."

I turn and run down the stairs, Belphie chasing me.
I wave the credit card in Satan's face as I pass him in the corridor, and in Asmo's face as I run down the stairs.
I run through the kitchen, waving it in Beel's face as well and he follows it with his eyes like it's food.
Everyone except for Levi follows me into the dinning room.
Lucifer just happened to already be there, waiting for us.

"So, I see you have Mammon's credit card?" Lucifer says, extending his hand. "Give it to me."


"Yes. Give it-."


Lucifer sighs.

"I'm not giving up this card." I say, stuffing it into my shirt.

"Y/n, I need that card." Satan says.

"I would do anything for that card!" Belphie says.

"Calm down, guys!" I yell.

"Don't tell us to calm down! You have Mammon's weakness!" Asmo yells.

"Mammon stole a book of spells from me!" Satan yells.

"He ate my cookies!"

"He took my new make up brush made from rhinestones!"

"I just want to blackmail him!"

"AAARRGGHHH!" Mammon rushes at me, and takes me down on top of the table.

"Where is it?" He asks fiercely, searching me.

He grazed over his credit card under my shirt, and I blushed.

"Mammon...." Lucifer started.

I heard Asmo make a remark about Mammon and I.

"Get off of Y/n. Right now." Satan and Lucifer said at the same time, then looked at each other.

Mammon shrieked, bouncing off of me in an instant, and I sat up in the middle of the table.

"We just want the credit card." Belphie says. "We know were you put it, and I'm definitely not afraid of getting it."

"Reach for it, then." I say, and Belphie leans forward to be stopped by a mean looking Asmo.

"Don't touch my Y/n." He says, pouting.

"Wait!" Mammon yells, Lucifer holding his ear. "She has it on her? Where?"

"In her-!"

"Belphie!" Satan yells. "Don't tell him!"

"That's impossible!" Mammon cries. "I already looked her up and down, she ain't got it!"

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