Obey Me! MC's Annoying Crush

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Lucifer x fem. Reader

I open my eyes while I lay in my plush bed.
Everything around me is purple, my favorite color.
I'm completely naked, the way I always sleep. I'm just glad one of the boys didn't walk in and see me like this, I'd be completely screwed.
I sit up in bed, hair lifting from my purple and white pillows.
I yawn, a tiny yawn, covering my mouth.

It's Saturday. What'll today bring?

Breakfast! No, I forgot breakfast!
I groan in disappointment, since there won't be any left.

Beelzebub, I'm gonna smack you.

I take a careful look around my bedroom to make sure no one's hiding, because I'm always paranoid.
I wonder what Lucifer's up to...
He just takes up my mind 24/7, I can't get enough!
I toss my covers to the side and stand.
I eye the black lace bra and panties I have on.

I can't creep through the corridors like this, so I look for my robe.
A white robe, made of silk, sits on the edge of my bed, watching me.
I slip it on and gather my clothes for the day.
What should I wear?
A red dress?
A dark blue shirt and shorts?
A white sundress?
Red. Something red to match Lucifer.
Anything to get his attention.
I skim over a comfortable red lacy dress.
It had sleeves that reached to my elbows, and fit my waist perfectly. It was accompanied with a v-neck.
Chosen directly for moments to impress Lucifer.

Besides, it was only twenty dollars on Akuzon.

I proceeded to scurry down the corridor to the bathroom with my essentials, the bathroom I share with five boys.

I knocked on the door.
No one answered, so I opened the door to shower.
An hour passed, and I slipped on the pretty red dress.
I admired the design on the sleeves before applying chapstick to my lips and brushing through my tangled hair.

I looked at my eyes in the mirror.
Goodness, I hope Lucifer notices.
I give a sigh.
What if he doesn't look at me the way he did before? when I gave him that kiss, my whole world faded away.
Now he acts all noble like he used to.
All "high- and- mighty", and "I'm- old- and- powerful".

I open the bathroom door and walk back to my room, loving the way the dress swishes with every turn I take.
I make up my bed, lying across it afterwards.
Then, I hear yelling in the corridor, belonging to Mammon.

"Hey! Who has the bathroom smelling like roses?"

I let out a groan. Mammon, why?
I peek out the door to see Mammon throwing his hands around in the air, being hysterical.

"Shut up!" Someone yells, and as I stick my head farther out the door, I see Leviathan.


I open the door and stride towards Mammon.

"Y/n?" He says angrily. "Do you have the bathroom stankin'?"

Which is a complete offense to women.

I furrow my brow and cross my arms at Mammon.

"Excuse me?" I bit at Mammon. "Stink? The last thing I DO is stink, Mammon."

I let my anger get too far when I give him a shove into the bathroom, and slam the door behind him.
Mammon yelps as he slips and falls on the bathroom floor, and lets out a whine.

I frown at Levi, who has his eyes widened.

"What?" I bark, and he takes a defensive step back.

"You've grown." A deep voice booms behind me.

It's Lucifer.
My chest starts to feel weird again as I turn around in fear.
I stare up at Lucifer as he looks down at me.
He looks happy.
Happy that I pushed Mammon?
Or...happy about all the time he's going to spend in my ear?

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