Rejuvenation/ Bi. Reader

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Shapeshiftress, enchantress, a witch like you had a lot to do with your pact buddy, Sitri.
Had you not have met him sooner, you would've been in a lot of trouble at this very second.
Your arms were scraped.
Your left leg was broken.
Your ribs were crying in pain, and yet you stood up like the idiotic, bold, strong magician you were.

Without words, you casted a damaging spell at your opponent as Sitri charged in with a spear.

Damn. Sitri is hot tho.

After all, we were winning the fight. After Sitri struck the enemy witch's pet. She retreated with her tail between her legs.
You and Sitri cheered in victory, but you didn't jump because your ribs detested your every move once the pain set in.

Sitri carried you all the way to a village 400 miles away, since you couldn't simply teleport anymore.
Your injuries were his, but in exchange for calling him to help you with that little setback, you have gatuanteed him 500 silver.

You listen to his feet taking steps on the ground, the rythym forming a way to this village's magical healer.
Your eyes flickered up to another man who's eyes bore down on you like you were covered in honey.

By the way he's looking at you, you'd think he was a demon, but his aura reeked of human life.
So, what does he so obviously want from you?
Is he a warlock? A sorcerrer?

"Ah, I think that's him." Sitri said. "You have been staring at him for a minute."

You glanced up at Sitri, and then down to the ground as the man had finally spoken.

"My name, huh?" He's said.

"Why won't he tell us his name?" You want to whisper to Sitri, but you're not stupid and can guess he's hiding his true name for the same reasons everyone else is.

"Just call me Sorcerrer." He said, smiling.

You were both invited into his abode and you were gently placed onto his coffee table.
Or, maybe his small, barely table.... long... Nightstand?

You didn't even fit on it, your hips covered most of it and you could only lean back with your palms down.
At least it was against the wall.

Sitri and The Sorcerrer did a little bit of chatting and then the man turned to you.

"Be gone." Said the man, and Sitri disappeared, you suppose back to wherever he was before you summoned him.

But, that doesn't make any sense. You summoned him, you should be the one that sends him away.

"Do.... you have a pact with him?" You ask, but the man does not respond. "Mr. Sorcerrer?"

He only looks at you for a second, before turning away and leaving the room.
Pain flies across your torso just as the idea of yelling comes to mind, and you grit your teeth to keep the pain at bay.
You don't even know how you're sitting here now, leaning against the wall is your only support.

The man returns, holding a notebook and some glass beakers of purple and brown liquid.
He places the separate beakers on your thighs, silently commanding you to hold them there as he asseses your injuries.

"A broken left leg, huh?" He says, chuckling.

There's a visible scowl on your face that he pays no attention to.

"You're lucky your femur isn't broken."

Your scowl eases only a little afterwards.

"And your ribs... Scraped arms..."

He looks up at you for the first time, really gazing at you like you're a work of art.

"You're much too fragile to have such injuries."

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