Obey Me!- While Lucifer's Still a Wolf

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Lucifer x fem. Reader NSFW, OOC Satan

I love animals, and for Lucifer and everyone to turn into animals.....
It's so adorable!
I could bounce around with glee!
I carry myself down the hall and knock on Satan's door.

"Come in." He says, and I open the door to see Satan perched on top of one of his bookshelves.

"Satan! Get down!"

Satan looked at me from the bookshelf, catlike.

"Nope." He said.

I cross my arms at him and turn away.
"Fine, stay up there." I say.

I have a feeling he'll come down if I do this.

"Wait!" Satan says, hopping down from the shelf.

He snuggles me and purrs. I was right. Did he just purr?

"Don't be mad..." He licks my cheek, and I smile.

"Okay, Satan!" I say, but he doesn't budge, and continues to snuggle me.

"Catch, Satan!" I hold up a ball and throw it into the hall.

"A ball?" Satan says, chasing after it. "How'd you get this?"

I've completely forgotten why I came to Satan's room.
I smile, walking off.

"What were you just doing?" Lucifer asks, stepping in the way of me.

"N- nothing!" I say. Sometimes I forget that Lucifer has a good sense of sound, and he can hear really good.

And, that he doesn't want me to treat him and his brothers like pets.

"You're obviously lying."

I'm gonna get in so much trouble.

"So? What was it?" Lucifer takes my wrist in his, and leads me off, Satan still playing with the ball I gave him.

Lucifer closes his bedroom door behind him, glaring at me.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask.

"No, as a matter of fact, I'm furious."

"All he did was-!"

"Lick you, cuddle you, and purred? You surely like Satan as a cat, and I know you think that you can treat us like pets, but I will not......yadda yadda......"

I stopped listening as I sat down on Lucifer's bed.
His sheets smell like the forest and-

Lucifer growls, jumping over me.

"Are you even listening!" He yells, and my face is a completely frightened expression.

Lucifer looks down at me like prey, a wild lust in his eyes.
He licks his lips, and I shiver.
Lucifer smirks, as his eyes travel my body.

His eyes land on my cleavage, perched under a dark blue shirt.

I knew I shouldn't have worn this shirt today.

Lucifer takes his hand up under my shirt, and I shiver again.
Lucifer looks into my eyes, and my heart beat accelerates.
I stifle a whimper as Lucifer pressed his lips down on mine, and his left hand reaches my breasts.
There was a bang on the door.

"Y/n?" Mammon called. "What are you doing? Are you okay?"

Lucifer looks at me. "It's all up to you."

What the hell does that mean?

Tell Mammon to save me, or tell him everything's okay?

Before I could think about it, Lucifer gropes my breasts, and I almost moan.

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