Obey Me!- Drunk MC

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Univ. x fem. Reader SFW

Yesterday, I got drunk.
I mean really drunk.
Not pissing drunk, but really close to it.
Belphie, Satan, and Lucifer were drunk as well.
You know what that means, right? Chaos.
Pure chaos.

Yesterday Night

"WWWOOOOOOOHOOOOO!" I scream, running down the hall with a bottle of Demonous.

"Shots! Shots!" Everyone cheered to Lucifer. Even Mammon, and he wasn't drunk.

"I wanna see what Y/n is like when she's wild!" Satan says somewhat suspiciously, holding champagne.

I gulp down three shots without a break, and shake my head vigorously.
It was pretty strong.

"More!" Lucifer, Satan, and Belphie urge, giving me the bottle of champagne.

"I'm not doing this alone!" I say, and Satan drinks from the Demonous I held.

"Hell no, you're not!" He says.

"Alright, alright." Lucifer says. "Enough we have I think not had."

Everyone cheers.

Lucifer and I were the most drunk.

Everyone takes another drink, passing the bottles around in the music room.
Satan sits at the piano, and plays a melody.
It was fast, as if someone were chasing something.
We all begin to laugh at Satan while he plays.

"Waah!" I end up stumbling out of the room door, and into the hall.

I spot Asmo, Levi, Beel, and Mammon all standing together just a door down.

"Hey, Asmo!" I yell, catching his attention.

"Have you had enough, Y/n?" He asks tiredly.

"No, I ask you something."

"Ask away."

I lower my voice seductively, and narrow my eyes at him.

"Wanna have fun?" I ask, and Asmo looked flustered for once.
Mammon frowned.

"N- no!" He says.

I begin to laugh at Asmo as Satan opens the door.

"Y/n?" He calls, and I look at him.
He looks back at me.



"You're sexy as hell."

"I know, babe."

"I'm your babe?"

"Do you wanna be?"


"Hey, babe!"


Everyone in the hall looks at Satan and I, confused.
Satan takes me back inside, and music begins to bump through the house.

"Your annoying as hell!" I tell Lucifer.
"I mean, when you're not drunk, when you're sober....is it "Not drunk"? Or "Sober"?"

"I don't know." Lucifer says. He takes another long drink of Demonous, before passing the bottle to me.
It's empty.

"It's spin the bottle time!" Belphie yells, placing an empty champagne bottle in the middle of the group.

Satan opens another bottle of Demonous, and takes a long swig before passing it to Belphie.
Lucifer passes the other bottle to me again.

"Alright!" Satan says, spinning the bottle.

Satan and I sit across from each other, Belphie to the right of me, and Lucifer across from him.
The bottle lands on Satan and Lucifer, and everyone cheers.
Satan leans over to give Lucifer a drunk kiss, and Eewwws erupt in the room.

Next the bottles are passed, and the bottle on the floor is spun.
It lands on Belphie and Lucifer.

"Oooooh!" I yell, and so does Satan.

Belphie and Lucifer share a laugh and then kiss each other.

"Woohoo!" Satan and I go excitably.

The bottles are passed again, and the floor bottle is spun.
This time, it lands on Satan and I.

"Babe!" He yells, hopping across the group to kiss me.

He stumbles onto me, and we kiss.
Then, we kiss again.
Then, we make out.

"Ooh!" Lucifer and Belphie go, sitting back and watching.

Satan and I tear at each other, licking each other, and drinking at the same time.

When I wake up the next morning, I have the strongest hangover I've ever experienced.
Satan is on top of me, hair tousled, and face tucked into my chest.
I didn't have a shirt on, nor pants.
Satan didn't have a shirt on, but thank Diavolo there were pants.
I look over to my right, and Lucifer is waking up as well.

His hair is a mess, but so is mine, and everyone else's.
He doesn't have on a shirt, nor does Blephie.

So, why am I the only one nakey?
I mean, at least I have a bra and panties on.....

"Lucy..." I mutter, and he looks at me.

"Satan." He mutters, and Satan raises his head.

countless champagne and Demonous bottles lay scattered across the floor.

"Belphie?" I ask, and Belphie raises his head.

We all look around at each other before we scream.

"Get off of me, Satan!" I say, sitting up and pushing him away somewhat reluctantly.

We all stand up, and look at ourselves.

I look down at my body to notice hickeys.
There were hickeys on everyone's body.

Lucifer's, Satan's, and Belphie's.
I do remember some things, but not how I got naked, or why Lucifer doesn't have a shirt, or why the hell I'm naked!

"Lucifer..." I ask.

"I don't know." He says.

"What did we do?" I ask. "Why am I naked?"

Everyone looks at me.

"We all have hickeys." Belphie says.
"Why?" Satan asks.

We look around the room.

"Lord Diavolo!" I ask, panicking. "How'd he get here?"

Lord Diavolo rouses from the couch.

"Barbatos....." He begins, but yells when he gets a good look at the room. "Why the hell am I here?" He asks Lucifer.

Lucifer shrugs.

"Beats me." Belphie says.

"I've got the same question." I say.

Satan rubs his temples.

"Anyone remember anything?" He asks.

"I remember Satan and Y/n going at it." Belphie says.

"I remember getting a call from Lucifer." Lord Diavolo says.

"I remember..... asking Asmo to bang me?" I say, and everyone gives me a look of concern.

"I remember giving Belphie a kiss." Satan says, and Belphie gapes in disgust.

"I remember taking Y/n's clothes off." Lucifer says.

I scowl. "As if that's a good thing."

"What happened?" Lord Diavolo asks.

"Let us enlighten you." Asmo says, when he opened the door.

"You got drunk." Levi says, right behind him.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Mammon and Beel are still asleep." Asmo says.

"Lucifer, where is your jacket?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"I wouldn't know."

I look around again, and spot it at the end of the couch.
I snatch up his jacket, and tie it around my waist.

"Ugh!" I scowl in anger. "What the hell happened last night?"

Everyone shrugs.

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