100k/Whips, Ties, and Kisses/Fem. Reader

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"Here." Lucifer says. "Put this on, (Y/N)."

"Wh-.... What is it?"

"Your collar. I can tie it to the bed post if you decide to disobey me."

"And- And if I disobey you?"

Lucifer smirks, his lips tugging upwards at the left. He chuckles.

"I don't think that'll happen, but if you want to know, then I will not leave you wondering."

Lucifer takes your cuffed wrists and attaches them to another set of cuffs.
Your breasts drop as he lifts your hands over your head, and you can feel his bare chest moving over your nipples.
They harden.

"If you decide you want to disobey your master," Lucifer says. "I'll just punish you. Whether it be overstimulation or deprivation."

You nod. You hated deprivation just as much as you did overstimulation.

Lucifer leans down precariously and takes one of your hardened nipples into his mouth. You gasp, a breathless plea as your eyes try to look somewhere, anywhere other than his eyes watching you. They dart up to your face hungrily, bathing in your every expression as you change from fear, to lust, to love.
Lucifer leaves your chest with a pop, and takes his standing at your side again.
He carries on to take your left leg and bind it with rope.

"How.... How long are we doing this today?"

"Today?" Lucifer muses.

Well, you suppose that is your answer.
Lucifer chuckles when he sees your expression change to one of hopelessness.

"I only jest, Darling." He says. "I suppose I will be satisfied after.... four rounds, per say?"

He keeps mumbling to himself and you, binding down your other leg.

Does he think I'm literal food for devouring? Isn't that Beels job, to eat?
Why is he discussing me like I'm up for sale?

You pull at your cuffs in discomfort and Lucifer's eyes darted up to your face.

"Sorry, Darling," He says. "You know when the subject is you, I get carried away."

You don't reply to him, only look the other way, and wait for him to finish preparations.

He smiles curtly, moving away to light and place candles around the bed sides.
They smell of lavender and pumpkins, and your breath hitches in your throat when you realize how much danger you've just walked into.
You know exclusively, that when Lucifer wants to quickly satisfy himself and you, he sets out vanilla and lavender.

He put out pumpkin and lavender.

He only does that when he's especially aroused.

"(Y/N)?" Lucifer asks, and your eyes darted over to him in the corner, plucking oils and a bucket of ice from the cabinets.

"What scent of oil would you like today?" He asks, and you don't really want to answer.

Something about this question tells you that either way, you're still going to smell like sex in the end.
The only thing good about this is that Lucifer sent his brothers away for a weekly trip to the Demon Lord's castle.

But then again, is that actually good for you?

"(Y/N)?" Lucifer asks, turning in your direction.

"Lavender." You say. Why not? It's not like you're going to be the odd ball in here.

"Alright." He says.

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