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Lucifer x fem. Reader
The irony of this photo....

Lucifer rolled up his sleeves, turning off the running water that was practically ice.
He lifted a knife with his left hand, a potato in his right.
He turned to his right, where a trash bag waited for him. He peeled the first potato, sliced it, placed it into the cold water, and lifted the next potato.
He repeated this process until there where at least fifteen potatoes in the bowl of cold water in the sink. He was then interrupted.

"Lucifer, what's for dinner tonight?" Beel asked, entering the kitchen.

"Y/n wants to make a dish from the human world, so I volunteered to prep the ingredients." Lucifer replied.

"I'm hungry." Beel said, looking through the mostly empty cabinets until a satisfied grunt was heard.

He found an expired bag of Spicy Newt chips, not the super spicy ones, though.
Still, he was satisfied, and sat down at the small table in the kitchen to eat.
There was subtle crunches as Lucifer kept peeling potatoes.

Next, was Asmo. "Lucifer!"

Lucifer sighed. He regretted volunteering now.

"What, Asmo?" He asked.

"What color lip gloss should I go with today?"

Lucifer glanced over at the two colors Asmo had in his hand: pink and pale orange.
Asmo continued to ramble on.

"I think pink might suit me today, but it might stand out, you know? I don't want to distract everyone from my pretty face with my lips, even though my lips are just as plump and pretty as the rest of my face. I like my lips, too, you know? I mean, don't get me wrong, but-."

Lucifer interrupted him. "I think pale orange suits you today, Asmo."

"Really? Thanks, Lucifer! You're such a good older brother!"

Asmo ran along, back to his room, for Belphie to come in right after, half asleep, looking for Beel.

"Belphie, if you're going to sleep, do it in your bed. You might catch a cold."

Belphie silently wandered over to Beel, who had just finished his big bag of chips, and had opened his arms to welcome Belphie.
This time when Lucifer sighed, it was one of irritation.
Mammon happened to hear this, and popped into the kitchen to ask Lucifer to borrow his car.
Lucifer gave an absolutely irritated denial before Mammon could finish his sentence.
This time, I was the one who was yelled at.
Lucifer had long since finished peeling about three bags of potatoes, and was now chopping up red peppers.

"Lucifer?" I asked, walking into the kitchen, just in time for Lucifer to yell.

"What?" Was what he yelled. I was taken aback, now my anger unleashed.

"Why the hell are you yelling?" I asked, yelling back. "I was going to ask if you finished cutting the fucking potatoes, you prick!"

I furiously turned back around. Beel, Belphie, and Mammon watching as my hips bounced back to my room.

ucifer was taken aback from what I said. I called him a prick, and now, I was mad at him.
Though it was his brothers' fault for making him so angry, he planned to take out his newfound anger on me.
He silently and angrily finished prepping the food, and asked Beel to call for me to make dinner.
Dinner wasn't long behind.

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