Beauty- Depressed MC

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Trigger: Sexual Assualt
Hard angst warning, Uni x fem. Reader SFW

What a terrible, lying, and swindling word.
I thought beauty lived in everyone?
Well, everyone except me.
I was shy, quiet, and ugly... Where was that reputed beauty then?
Where was that reputed beauty when I was a child, getting bullied, picked on, and called names?
Oh, and where was that beauty when I was raped by my own father, and when he let my uncle have a turn?
Where was it? Where was that lying, deceitful, devious piece of shit named Beauty?

Nowhere to be found.
So, when high school came around, I changed who I was completely.
So no one knows who I was in the past. Not my own mother, not my family, not the police, and especially not Lucifer and his brothers.
They claim I'm like family to them, but who needs family? I'd be better off dead than living with seven men who could seduce me any second.
They say they love me, but love is a strong word. Just like beauty, it's deceitful.

Tell me you love me, and then stab me in the back, is that it? Is that love?
Leaving me at any man's home, to be raped?
Barely giving me any food, and even if I wasn't hungry, I still wouldn't eat?
"Save your food." Father said.
"You're just another little bitch." He said. "Just another whore, just like mommy, and that's why I killed her!"

I jump up in bed, screaming at the top of my lungs.
I started hyperventilating loudly, gasping for air desperately, and I clawed at the sheets around me, tossing them to the floor as I groaned and twitched in agonizing pain.
I clutched my lower stomach, letting out harsh screeches as my bedroom door opened, and a pair of strong arms held me tightly.
My stomach hurt, badly, and I felt the need to vomit.
I let out a painful groan, and my savior held me tighter.

"Calm down...." Beel said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded.

A long time ago, my uncle raped me, and he damaged my uterus. The pain of knowing, and the physical pain never went away, and when I stretch out my lower stomach, pain floods through my body.

"This happens every time." I say.

This was my first week in the Devildom.
Men had already began to sexually harass me, and flirt harshly.
Men never seemed to go away.
How can someone be so beautiful, and yet so ugly at the same time?
I believed that I was leaning more towards the ugly side, than beauty.

"Are you in pain?" Beel asked.

"Don't worry, it's just a little. I'll be fine."

"Well, would you like for me to stay with you?"


"No. I'll be fine on my own, thanks."

"Okay...... Then, good night."

Beel lets go of me, standing from my bed.

"Good night." I whisper, as Beel closes my bedroom door behind him.

I sigh.

There was absolutely no way that a man was going to sleep beside me in bed. Never again.
Even if you promised, Adam Lynn.
Even if you promised you wouldn't touch me. I was more of a fool to let you sit beside me in bed to begin with. You liar. You said you wouldn't even glance my way! Now nudes of me are spreading all around my old middle school, you bastard!
Tears begin to roll down my cheeks, as I collapse backwards onto my bed.
I silently cried, my eyes squeezed shut, my face red as an apple.
Tyler Sylik.
Alex Beckony.
Uncle Benjamin.
My father.
Johnny Rhode.
Max Dylan.
The twins, Hayden and Heath Mile.
Thomas Biggs.
I wasn't able to go to sleep the rest of the night, for fear of another nightmare.

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