Happy Pride Month! pt. 2

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Trans M-> F Reader

In the silence of night, you held belphie's hand to your slim chest.
You remember telling him for the first time about your sexuality.

"See? I have the chest to prove it! No human girl walks around consciously accepting their flat chest!"(/j)

"Are you sure? I mean, some demon girls do it all the time."

You smiled. You couldn't sleep tonight, but laying here with Belphie while he slept would be worth it to you.
Or, should you think, safer for you.
After you learned about Belphie's somno kink, you suffered from two restless nights and five and a half hours of sex divided upon two days.

Could tonight be any worse?

Belphie rolled over to the other side of the bed, turning his back to you.

"Big spoon," He whispered, barely awake as you complied and turned to cuddle him.

You nuzzle his neck and he smiles sleepily. "I love..... you...."

He had fallen asleep again and left you awake alone, so you laid there in hopes that sleep would or wouldn't come to you.

When again, Belphie had shifted hours later and asked you to cuddle, he only lifted his head in wonder when you snored in response.
Your chest rose up and down slowly.

Belphie smirked.
He laid his head beside your chest.


I listened to my pretty (Y/N)'s heartbeat, wrapping my arms around them as far as I could as to not wake them.
I slowly move over them without waking them, softly cradling myself next to their hips. I smile wickedly.
My face was in perfect lining with their sweat pants.
I let out a low whistle. They were grey sweat pants.

Have they been watching erotic movies again?

My eyes wearily travel up their frame.

Why would they need those when I'm right here?

My hands are wandering where they shouldn't be, feeling along their thighs and sneaking into their pants.

They're such a man- woman- I don't know.

(Y/N) hadn't made it clear what they wanted to be called since they told me about their sexuality and stuff. I just call them by name, or them. But not in a cruel way, they're the best thing that ever happened to me since I lost Lillith.

(Y/N) sighs in their sleep, rolling over onto their back. Their brows furrow softly, and they stop snoring. It's a low hum now.
My hands sneak further into their pants, gasping when I find their pussy, gleaming and fully formed.

How do humans do this?

My finger pokes at the clit, sliding along the hood of their pussy more out of curiosity than pleasure.
I push two fingers in, feeling the surroundings before carefully spreading their legs wider and exploring deeper.

This isn't going to work. I need to take off their pants.

Nevertheless, I scissor my fingers as if telling them to be ready for when I come.

Get it? Because they're gonna- You know what, never mind.

I pull my hand back out and whiff at my fingers as I lick them.

Damn, they're sweet. Have they been eating sweets today?

Disregarding this, I get to my knees and grasp their pants by the band.
I gently, very gently pull them down as I phase into my demonic form to lull them into a deeper sleep.

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