Obey Me!- Satan, The Cat

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Satan x fem. Reader NSFW

"Satan!" I yell, looking up as Satan is yet perched on his bookshelf again.
He looks down at me from his book.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Get down here, I want to talk to you!" I say.

"Hmph, no."

I scowl, and stomp my foot in frustration.


I begin to search Satan's bookshelf.
I'm looking for a book I know he has, that I want.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. My favorite series of books, that includes one in particular, that I want.

"What are you looking for?" Satan asks, but I ignore him.

"Hey! Cats don't like to be ignored!"

"Yes they do!" I yell angrily.

"That's not the point!"

I ignore him again.

"Hey!" Satan yells.

Ah! Here it is!

The Adventure of the Final Problem, By Arthur Conan Doyle.
In this book, Arthur attempted to kill off Sherlock Holmes, but everyone flipped out about it, so Arthur had to bring him back.
I never really understood why Arthur resented Holmes so much.
Satan jumps from the top of the bookshelf, and lands right beside me, gripping my hair in a clump.

I wince. "Ah, Satan!"

"You should've answered me." He said. "Now, what is this?"

Satan plucked the book from my hands and read the binding.

He gasped. "No! Not Holmes!"

Satan released my hair, and held the book firmly across his chest, glaring at me.

"Oh, come on, Satan, please." I say. I make puppy eyes to him, and he glares even more.

"I hate dogs." He says.

"Please?" I beg Satan again, getting on my knees.

"No!" He says. "Get off your knees!"

Satan rushes over to his bed, attempting to hide the book in his sheets, but it was too late.
I had already seen him sit on top of it, and stick his tongue out at me.

I whine. "Satan...."

"No way. This is one of my most treasured books."

"I won't tear it!"


"Please, let me read it, I'll do anything."

I shouldn't have said that.

"Ah! Satan!" I moan.

What happened? Well, I did whatever Satan wanted me to. Which involved taking off my clothes, crawling to Satan, and adding a meow to the end of my sentences.

"Satan, meow! More, meow!" I yell.

This is kind of humiliating, but I assume this is his point.

Satan and I then made a bet. If I lost, I had to be his dumb little slave.
If I won, I'd get to read the book.
So, he made a bet I was sure to lose.
A- of course- trivia quiz.
That he cheated with.
I was pissed, sure, but I made sure to let him know I was angry.
I guess it didn't work, because he seemed to enjoy it more.

"I hate you, meow!" I yelp.

"Now, is that a way to talk to your Master?" Satan asks, slapping my ass.
He called me his pet, and he was my master.

"I'm sorry, meow!" I say, as he reaches for his whip that is wedged between his bed and bookshelf nearby.

"Please, no meow! I don't want to be whipped!"

"Keep moving those hips, then." Satan says, raising his hand for the first lash.

"No!" I yell.

"Yes." Satan moans. "You didn't add a "meow" to that." Satan lashes me, and I cry out in pain.

I fall back onto him, and lay on his chest.

"Ready for that next one? Keep moving." Satan whispers harshly into my ear, and I quickly sit up and slide down.

I could hear Satan groan as I tighten myself around him.

"Y/n.....!" He moans. "Ahh....."

Satan lashes me again, and I cry out, pleasuring waves soaring over me.
It hurt the first time, but I guess it was just me being a whimp.

"Satan, meow!" I yell, and he flips us.

I lay facing up at him, as he looks down at me, and tosses his whip aside.

"Ah! I'm gonna cum!" I yell, as Satan speeds up over me.

"Don't you dare!" He yells. "You better not without me!"

"Aah!" I gasp, and my juices begin to drip onto my legs.

"Satan pulls out, and an angry face fills my vision.

"Oh, you're going to be punished for that!" He yells.

He pulls me over him, and pushes my head down over his cock.
He reaches for his whip, and lashes me.
I scream, but Satan pushes my head back over him.
He lashes me again, moving my head quicker.

"Ah fuck, Y/n.....!"

He's getting hot, I can tell he's not far behind me.
Satan lashes me again, and I whimper as he shoves himself deeper into my throat.

"Y/n!" He yells, and my mouth fills with semen.

"Ah!" He gasps, and my cheeks begin to bulge.

"Mmm......" I gulp.

Satan releases my hair, and I sit up, gasping.
Satan squirts out the rest of his semen, before reaching for my arms.

"What are you doing?" I ask, licking my lips.

"Your punishment isn't over yet."
My eyes widen.

"Yet?" I ask, Satan laying me across his lap.

He holds me by the wrists while he lashes me.
I scream, tucking my face into the pillows.
Satan lashes me again, and I struggle to release my wrists from his grasp.

"Ah!" I tighten my legs together, and Satan grins.

"Oh? You can go another round?" He asks.

Satan lashes me again. "Answer me!"

"Yes, meow!" I yell. "Yes, yes, yes meow!"

"Good." He says.

"Meow!" I yelp as Satan lashes me again.

"Meow! Meow! Meow, meow, meow!"

Satan lashes me, and I feel his cock harden under my chest.
I cry out as Satan lashes me.

"Satan!" I yell.

"Y/n, let's do it." He says. "Let's do it against the bookshelves."

Satan tosses his whip aside, releasing my wrists.

"Yes, meow!" I gasp.

"Good." Satan says.

I lay across Satan's bed, in a kitten cosplay outfit.
Satan lays beside me, and we both pant.

"That was the..... roughest...... sex..... ever." I gasp.

"I'm not done." Satan says.

"What?" My voice cracks.

Satan tosses the book onto my chest.

"If there's even one scratch on this book, I'm going to bang you so hard..."

"I won't tear it!" I promise.

Hehe, I tore a little piece out of the last page.

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