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Asmo x Solomon x fem. Reader, Semi- NSFW

"Achoo!" A loud and squeaky sneeze sounded through the room, and in return, a room full of sixteen eyes loomed over me.

"What?" I asked. "It was just a sneeze."

"Even so, your voice sounds irregular." Solomom says.

"You don't make your dark humor jokes like you usually do." Lucifer says.

"How out of character." Asmo mumbles.



Nevertheless, everyone kept their eyes on me.

"You're sick." My lover, Solomon said.

I frown deeply. "I'm not sick."

"I'll make it my priority to take care of you this week."

I grimace."I'm not sick."

"Are we going to have a debate about this?"

I sigh. "No, Master...."

Everyone except for Luke had their brows raised.

"Master?" Lucifer said.

"Um, no, it just kinda slipped ou- Ouch!"

A sharp pain stung my forearm, and when I looked over to Solomon who had used his magic, I rolled my eyes.

"Yes." I forced out, and a look of jealousy crossed Lucifer's face.

He grunted, as we all sat in the common area of The HoL.

"What were we talking about again?" I asked. "Wasn't it about-?"

"You and Solomon's relationship?" Lucifer said, annoyed.

You could tell that he wasn't happy about our relationship, because every time he laid eyes on us, it was as if a separation spell was casted between us, and I subconsciously scooted away from Solomon, who pulled me back to him.

"What about it?" Solomon asked.

I twitched. Solomon casted a pleasure spell on me. I don't know much about spells, but every now and again, an intense pleasure made me shiver as it attacked my vagina and made it throb.
I twitched again.

"Are you alright, Y/n?" Solomon asked, a slight smirk on his face.

I nod. "I'm fine."

Keep your answers short, Y/n. That's it.... Oh, that's it. Ah, right there, yes-!

"Your cheeks are flushed, Y/n." Lucifer said, glaring at Solomon before his eyes returned to me.

"Are you sure that you're okay?"

I shake my head, denying. "I f- feel sick."

"Sick?" Solomon asked, pressing a cold hand against my forehead. "Why didn't you mention this before? Though, I did notice you shaking. We should get you to bed." Solomon lifts me up into the air, carrying me in both of his arms to my bedroom.

"Y/n is sick?" Luke asks, scurrying behind us. "I can bake her some cookies so she'll feel better, and maybe Barbatos can make some tea! He's so good at making tea." Luke is now mumbling as he silently turns and walks off.

"Solomon....." Asmo said sweetly, and Solomon lays me down in my bed before turning to look at Asmo.

"Yes, Asmodeus?"

"She's not really sick, is she? You did something to my precious little blossom?"

"This is a polygamous relationship, Asmo. She's ours."

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