Get Virginity Snatched

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Leviathan x fem. Reader NSFW

"Levi!!" I shout to his door. "Open up, let's talk about Hunter X Hunter!"


"Okay, Okay!" Levi opens his door, and ushers me in before someone notices.

"Don't scream and bang on my door. It attracts attention." Levi says, as I sit right into his lap.

"Hey!" Levi yells, almost dropping his controller.

I smirk. "Fine, I'll go sit somewhere else."

I stand, but Levi pulls me back down again.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Don't move." He says. "I can manage playing games while you sit in my lap."

"Hmph." I grunt, as he starts up an RPG on his computer.

"This is called Shadow Trainers." Levi begins. "You get to train your very own pets with special powers called Shadows..... blah, blah."

"Levi?" I ask, pretending to be interested. "Can you train shadows to have certain powers?"

"Oh, yeah! Definitely! Right now, Y/n is-"

"Y/n?" I interrupt.

"Um, you, Y/n. Your name, you know, as one of my pet's names."

"You're getting flustered, Levi."

"N- no, I'm not! You are! I'm not flustered at all!"

"You're starting to sound like Luke now."

Levi gasped. and instantly shut off his monitor.

"Don't you dare compare me to that chiuahua!"

He let me drop onto the floor, and hurt my butt.

"Ouch!" I shriek. I pull Levi down as well, and he lands beside me, on his back.

He choked out a cough as I looked at him.
I pouted.

"Oww....." Levi groans.

"You dropped me." I say.

"That hurt." Was all Levi said.

I smirked, and began to chuckle.

"What?" Levi asks. "What's so funny?"
I began to laugh, curling up into a ball.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" Levi sits up, and starts baby- punching me.

"Okay!" I laugh. "I'll stop!" But I continue to laugh.

"Alright, fine! I'll give you a reason to laugh!"

Levi begins to tickle me, and Almost started to scream as I laugh.

"Levi! I yell. "Stop! I give up!"

Levi stops tickling me, and we both share a laugh.

"You're the best, Levi." I say, and his face brightens.

"I'm the best?" He asks, and I nod my head.

"I'm the best!" He exclaims, and throws his arms around me.

We sit in the middle of the floor, embracing each other, before Mammon bursts through the door.

"Shut it, Levi! I'm trying to count my money!" He yells, and his eyes widen once they get a good look at the picture.

I look at Mammon.

"What money are you counting?" I ask, and he coughs of embarrassment.

"W- whaddya mean? I got money!" He angrily slams Levi's door behind him, and trudges off. Levi's laughing.

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