Obey Me!- It's Too Hot!!

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Lucifer x fem. Reader SFW, Slight angst warning.

I uncomfortably shift around in my bed.
It was hotter than usual in the Devildom.
Seriously, I can't take it. I wish Hell would finally freeze over.
Ha, just kidding. (Not)

ME- Lucifer, I'm coming to your room.

(Old Fart) LUCI- And why is that?

ME- It's getting too hot.

Lucifer's room is the coldest, and It does wonders on hot days here in the Devildom.

ME- I'm on my way.

(Old Fart) LUCI- Sure.

I scurry out of my room, and Mammon stops me in the hall.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"To Luci- .....to the kitchen."

"The kitchen's that way." Mammon points to the left, and is on his way.

"Crazy girl." He mumbles, as I watch him turn the corner.

I run over to Lucifer's door, and make sure no one is looking before I close the door behind me.
I turn around to see Lucifer in his desk, asleep, with papers surrounding him.

That was fast.

His coat is draped over his shoulders, and his right cheek is placed on a paper.
I walk over to Lucifer with concern, and tousle his hair.

"Lucifer?" I call, and he doesn't budge.

"Luci..." I whisper into his ear, and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Did you just call me "Luci", Y/n?" He asks.

I hesitantly take a step back before answering.

"Yes?" I say.

Lucifer glares at me.

"Don't call me "Luci" ever again, or I'll punish you."

I smile. "Okay."

Lucifer sighs, and picks up the pen he was using from the floor.

"It's like, two in the afternoon Luci." I say. "Why are you sleeping?"

"I didn't get any sleep last night." He mumbles, scribbling on a paper.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"You wouldn't know any answers to these questions."

"Can I help you in some other way?"

"Stop flirting."

"I wasn't flirting."

"Be quiet."

"..... Hmph."

I plop down on Lucifer's bed, and let myself fall backwards.

"Y/n." Lucifer says.

"You told me to be quiet."

Lucifer ignores me and asks, "Why didn't you just turn down the air in your room?"

"Your room is always cold, so the first place I could think of to chill off was your room. Besides, I like the company."

"How wholesome." He sarcastically mumbles.

I hear him start to scribble again, as I let my anger boil.
I quietly sigh, listening to the scribble of pen, as I stare up at the ceiling.

"Y/n." Lucifer says again.

Obey Me! MC's Adventures in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now