Thanks for 1k!- Lucifer's Jewel

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Lucifer x fem. Reader very NSFW

"Th- this hurts!" I exclaim.

"Quiet." Lucifer says, tightening his grip on my hair. "It's not so bad. Besides, you're a masochist."

Lucifer keeps brushing my hair, pulling my brush through my hair harshly.
Why was he brushing my hair, you ask?
Today is the day that I meet my first beast.
Well, um, beast man.
Beast man? I don't know, but I'd be meeting a leopard man for the first time, and since he's a cat, it's likely he'll play with my hair.
Lucifer doesn't want anyone or anything to touch me, since I'm everyone's older sister.
Well, everyone except for Lucifer himself.
I'm half demon, and I take the place of second oldest. Well, they consider me an older sister, and I'm not....

"Ouch!" I exclaim. "Don't make me brush your hair!"

Let me get this straight.
Mammon and the others consider me their older sister, all except for Lucifer who considers me his younger sister.
I'm also half demon, who's in the process of becoming a true demon by Barbatos's teaching.
I'm also his great, great, really great.... granddaughter.
Just imagine it, in this storyline.

Today, I'm just way off the hook.

"Lucifer!" I exclaim. "Ah!"

Satan bursts into Lucifer's room, face flushed, and eyes wide.

"What are you guys doing?" He yells.

"What?" I ask. "Did you think we were doing muaghty things?" I giggle, and Satan slams the door shut angrily.

"I'm done brushing your nappy hair." Lucifer says.

"My hair isn't nappy! It's even more straight than Asmo!"

"Hmm..... is Asmo straight?"

"How would I know?"

"Put this on darling!" Asmo says happily, forcing a dress into my hands.

"Why'd Lord Diavolo have to make this such a big event?" I ask.

"I don't know. We do have to welcome all kinds, though."

I sigh. "I'm going to die."

"Then, I'll make sure you don't look hideous when that happens."

I force Asmo out of his own room while I change into a red and black ball gown.
I bring Asmo back in.

"You match Lucifer already." Asmo says.

"My chest is exposed...." I whine.

There's one thing I forgot to mention, too.
I'm a virgin.
Big shocker. Well, not here it isn't.
The first thing Asmo noticed was my walk, and he pulled me to the side and embarrassed me.

"I'll go get your shoes, cry baby. You shouldn't care if your chest is exposed."

"What if someone tries something?"

"LET THEM!" Asmo exclaims.

"You might be a whore, but I'm not."

Asmo gives me a pair of black heels.

"I'm not a whore. There's a difference."

"What's the difference?"

".....Put the shoes on."

So, I did, and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Oh, what a sparkling ruby you are!" Asmo gaped happily. "I could just eat you up!"

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