Obey Me!- The Content of my Dreams

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Mammon x fem. Reader Semi- SFW

As I lay down to sleep, I promise myself one thing.
I will try my very best to stop thinking about sex with Lucifer.
Of course, it probably won't work, but I must try my very best.
My eyes close, And drift into a comfortable sleep.

"Wake up, Y/n." A voice calls.

Seriously? I just went to sleep.

"Wake up...." Belphie shakes me awake, and I sleepily peer at him from under the covers.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Oh, um, nothing too bad, really." He takes a hand to the back of his neck.

"Then why are you here?" I ask, somewhat annoyed.

You're wasting my precious sleeping time, Belphie.

"Um, can I sleep beside you?" Belphie asks.

I was so surprised that I jolted awake.
It was all a dream, and rather I was shaken awake.
Not by Belphie, though.
Mammon and I peered at each other.

"Do you want to sleep beside me?" I ask him.

"What? H- how did you know?" Mammon asks.

"Um, it was just instinct."


Don't judge, Mammon, just take the bait.
C'mon, I don't want to have to explain myself. Take the bait.

"Oh, okay. So, can I sleep beside you?" Mammon asks, and I get a good look at him.

He's in black briefs, and his hair is everywhere.
At least he isn't completely naked. He must have been tossing and turning in his sleep.

"Sure." I say, and Mammon climbs into bed beside me.

I gasp, but quickly recover before Mammon notices.

I'm completely fuckin' naked!

How could I forget that I'm naked?
I scream inside my head.
Should I tell him? No, why would I tell him? What if he accidentally touches me, and finds out that I'm naked?
What should I do?

Mammon suddenly grasps me, and pulls me against his chest.
I'm not facing him, did he notice?

"Y/n.....are you naked?" Mammon asks.

Aaahh! He noticed. I want to die.

I stumble with my words.

"Ah, yes. Um, I um, completely forgot...that I was um, naked."

Mammon was silent for a second.

"Oh." He says finally. "That's okay. I guess."

Don't act weird with me!
Wait, what if he tries something? What will I do?

I slightly turn my head, to hear Mammon start to quietly snore.
I guess he won't try anything, then.
I can finally get some sleep.
I doze off, right into a wet dream.

A wet dream?
Yes, I'm letting Mammon flick his tongue over my left nipple right now.
I moan, and tilt my head back.
"Ah..." I softly moan.
"Y/n?" Mammon asks. "Y/n?"


I get roused from my sleep by Mammon.
Oh, so it was all a dream.
I groan sleepily as Mammon peers at me over my shoulder.

"I'm a light sleeper." He starts.

Who would've guessed?

"And I heard you moaning. Where you having a good dream?"

You know exactly what kind of dream-

"Where you having a wet dream?

Oh, the audacity.

I slowly nod my head as Mammon lifts my right leg up, as I sleep on my left side.

"What are you- oh!'

I gasp, as Mammon sticks two fingers into my pussy.
He licks his fingers after he slips them back out.

"Seriously, do you always taste this good?" He asks, and my eyes widen.
Then, I frown.

"What? Are you gonna inspect me like food now?" I ask.


"Yep, every inch of ya'."

Mammon suddenly has a new sense of cheerfulness to him, as he sticks two fingers back into me.
He cups one of my breasts with his left hand, and begins to tease me.

"Mammon, I just want to go to sleep..." I mumble, as I slowly succumb to his tactics.

"You can't go to sleep, not right now." Mammon whispers into my right ear, nibbling on its lobe.

I moan silently, as I feel Mammon lick my neck.

"Mammon..." I mumble again.

Mammon speeds up the movement in his hands, and I gasp.

"Ah...Mmm..." I slightly squirm in Mammon's grip, and I let my head rest against his chest.

He lifts my right leg over his, slipping his hand deeper to pleasure me.
My thigh brushes his hard cock, under his briefs.
It's seriously gonna be a long night.
Mammon kisses my neck, and his fingers hit a sweet spot just for a second.
I gasp.

"What?" He asks, grazing that sweet spot again. "Did you like that?"

I let out a silent. slow moan, and Mammon grins.
I can feel his cock swell under my thigh.
I let out another moan as Mammon continues to tease me.
I'm wide awake now.

"Mammon..." I groan, as he swells more.

"Can you feel me?" He asks, his lips just beside my ear.

His fingers slip out of me, and are replaced just as quickly with a big, hard, swelling cock.
Mammon covers my mouth, and I cry out as he slips himself in for the first time.
It's throbbing.

"Ah..." I moan aloud.

Mammon pushes himself further in as he seals my mouth closed.
I moan into his hand, pinching my brows together.
Mammon silently slips out a moan as he pushes back into me.

The last thing I remember that night is how big Mammon's cock is, and as he pulled out to come, he whispered into my ear.
"Don't ever let anyone else do this to you."

I almost came again at his voice in my ear like that.

"Wake up, Mammon and Y/n!" Lucifer shouted.

We slowly wake up, as we view our surroundings.
It seems like Mammon and I both forgot where we were for a second, because we screamed at each other's naked bodies and fell out of bed.
Mammon scurried back to his room, emberrassed, and Lucifer laid me across his lap.

"What are you doing?" I ask, frightened.

I look away from Lucifer's scary face, and to the floor.

"Spanking you." He says.

He takes off his left glove, as his right hand grips both of my wrists.

"Wh- what?" I ask.

"Don't play dumb, Y/n. This is punishment."

I groan, as Lucifer raises his hand for the first smack.

I gasp, as Lucifer raises his hand again.
My hips perk up slightly to his touch, and jiggle slightly as he lands a blow.

I cry out, and start to struggle to free my wrists.

What, did he forget that I was a masochist?


"Ah!" I cry.


"Lucifer, please!" I beg.

Three more hits.

"Why is my pants leg wet?"
Lucifer asks. He scowls afterwards when the memory hits him.

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