15K- Making Love/Male reader

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You knocked on the door just as Simeon opened it.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)." Simeon said, and Luke pushed his head out to see you too.

"Hey (Y/n)!" The small angel said. "Simeon and I are going shopping for food!"

You smile. "What are you two making today?" You ask Simeon.

"Us two? Well, Luke... Luke is making his first Seven- layered cake."

Simeon tugs on Luke's hand.
"Let's go, Luke. We should be back in an hour."

You watch them walk past you, and you wave to them until they're out of view.
You enter Purgatory Hall, closing the door behind you and standing there for a second.
It's silent, except for the soft clinking of glass bottles, and the pouring of what can be none other than Solomon's mixtures.
You silently tip toe to his room door, listening to him hum a soft melody.
So hot. So, so hot.
He was so hot when he wasn't paying attention.
You then softly knock on the door, and Solomon stops humming.

Wait, don't stop humming...

"Come in." Solomon rang out softly.

You opened the door and looked at Solomon in his casual clothing.
What a tease.
Small pants that can be unheard were falling from your lips.
He's humming, now this.
Solomon looks at you and stands from his work table.

"Hey." He smiles, stalking over to you.

He made slow circles around you, poking at you with his fingers.
Your slow panting evolved into chaste breathing.
Solomon's fingers grazed over your hips, and slipped forward under your legs as he nuzzled his face against your back.
You balled your fists and pulled them to your chest, standing stiff against Solomon's teasing.

"Why'd you come here?" He asks, and you stutter out what you've been trying to say.

"I w-wanted to ask you out, on a d-date, S-solomon."

"Really?" Solomon says, his lips lingering one the word.

His warm breath tickles your back, and you shiver just a bit.
How could one simple word make someone so desperate?
Solomon's hands slid up your body slowly, crawling up your spine, around to your shoulders, down your chest, against your stomach.
You whimpered, your lips poking a bit like a puppy.
Solomon caressed your stomach, hands gliding down to fiddle with your waistline.

"Hey," He said. "Answer my question."

"I-.... Yes. Solomon, yes."

You answered honestly, thinking maybe he would go further, and he did so.
You lips parted gently as his hips pressed eagerly against you.
He slipped two fingers into your mouth, forcing it open as he held up your chin.
His other hand slipped past your clothes, slipping lower to grip your cock.

"Ah!" You gasped cutely.

Solomon smirked. He slipped his tongue up your neck, and your head tilted on it's own to expose more of your body.
You begged him wordlessly to lick you, to touch you more.
You almost whispered your please, as he did nothing but watch you.

"Solomon...." You started, but he chuckled, slipping his lower hand away from your cock to push down your clothes.

"Just checking to see if you were still here." He said.

He pushed your clothes down, and you kicked them away.
Solomon patterned kisses up and around your neck as he stroked and teased your cock.

"This turns me on so much...." He said softly in your ear, a moan of lust slipping from his lips and you trembled.

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