16K- Neko MC/ Fem. Reader

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(Oneesan says~ Enjoy the poly smut you horny bb's. This is in no way Demoncest, you weirdos. It's called sharing, and I highly doubt the brothers would ever fall in love with each other, except for A-
You guys read too fuckin fast-)

(Tw- This story contains somewhat extreme imagery. Somewhat violent scenes will occur. I doubt it's bad anyways-)

"Nya nya~."

Your cute cat ears flopped down to your head quickly, as the trio of demons circled you like prey.


Lucifer licked his lips. Barbatos slipped his flogger around in his hands.
Diavolo smirked, any sense of deliberateness completely gone. He wanted to make this as long as possible.
He fondled with the pocket knife in his hands.
You scooted backwards in the chamber, a room of toys with dim lights and the smell of constant sex.
Your cat tail swishes around, your hands urging you back further until you bump against the wall behind you.

Don't lie (y/n). Your slutty body loves when your masters cut and toy with your body. Don't pretend you don't. You're such a whore....

"N-nya!" A mewl fell from your lips, you had been caught openly as Diavolo pulled your ankles forward.

A gasp came harsh and surprised when Lucifer tied your ankles quickly to a post from the ceiling.
You hung there, your arms swinging as your skirt fell.
Lucifer, Barbatos, and Diavolo ripped your clothes off, and a lustful mewl bounded through the room.
A flogger teased your body, and slipped down your back, caressing your hips.
Your back arched.

"N-nya! Ah!"

A lash of the flogger sent you swinging and writhing in your bondage. Your head hung and your hands were balled into fists.
You started panting.

I could pass out like this....

Your breathing got faster.

I don't want to pass out, it feels like I'm dying....
God, no. I can't die yet.

The next lash of Barbatos's flogger sent you crying out.

"Oh, God! Please! I don't want to pass out like this!"

Diavolo grit his teeth, and snatched the flogger from Barbatos.

"Who did you just call for?" He asks, lashing you harshly.
"You'd better be calling for fucking me!"

You screamed, crying and gasping as your tears fell upwards, but down to the floor.
Diavolo put the flogger back into Barbatos's hands, raising the pocket knife.
Lucifer came forward, producing a small toy from this room of many.
You held in any audible moans as Lucifer pushed the U- shaped toy into your pussy.

"Please...." You beg to Lucifer before he steps away.

He stoops down on one knee to peck you on the forehead.
He smiles.

"Our cute, cute little Kitty Cat."

Diavolo starts to carve into your skin, and a piercing cry erupts through the room.
Your throat is soon enough hoarse, weak cries are the only thing being heard.
Your body jerks, the sudden movement of small buzzing in your pussy is the new and loud sound, louder than your weak mewls and cries.
Diavolo stopped carving into your body, and you felt a warm slime caress your thighs.

Both of them? That only felt like one.

You were let loose from the chains, and your reflexively landed on your palms instead of your face.

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