10K Views!- Knife Play Male reader (you pov.)

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"Get back here!" Barbatos ran after you, chasing you through the kitchen as you clutched the pan of warm sugar cookies he made for everyone.

"Ha!" You laughed triumphantly. "You'll never catch me!"

But, when Barbatos caught hold to a knife, your smile faded and you ran like your life depended on it.
Because, it did.

"Aah! Someone help!" You yelled, running out of the kitchen and through the palace.

"Barbie's tryna kill me!" You turned left.

"Do not call me Barbie!" Barbatos yelled.

A knife whizzed past your head, barely missing your neck. You could imagine a few hairs being cut off your body.
You were now screeching at the wall in front of you, you turned another left and ran out of the door.
Mammon and Levi looked at you with amused faces.

"Not again, bro."

"I love cookies!" You turned a hard right, into the forest beside the palace.

"Aah!" You screeched loudly, the pan of cookies held over your held as you ran.

You felt like an airplane about to crash, and by crash I mean getting killed.
You were finally caught by Barbatos, and he grabbed the tray of cookies.
At once they disappeared, and he brought out the knife he had earlier.

"You little..... rat!" Barbatos exclaimed, pushing your head against the tree and locking you there with his arms.

His knife softly slides across your neck, he stops at your pressure point.
You take in a slow gasp of lust.

"B- barbatos....." You say uneasily.

He snickers. "I knew you were homosexual, but I didn't think you'd be aroused by a knife pressed to your throat."

Barbatos pressed the knife against your neck hard, the sharp tip piercing your skin.
You let out a soft moan as he grinded his body onto you.
You were both alone, in the forest, about to have sex as he teased you with a knife.
Barbatos took the knife, and with one swift movement, your shirt buttons were gone. Your shirt fell open to expose your chest.
Barbatos's knife came up to press the cold blade to your left nipple. Your nipple became hard and he began to play with it.
You let out a breathy moan, Barbatos teasing your hole.

"Fuck, Barbatos...." Your voice was a little more high- pitched than usual, aroused in the situation.

Barbatos swiftly cut with his knife again, and your pants were unbuckled and cut away.
The front of you was completely exposed.
Barbatos's knife was back at your throat again.

"If you move, I'll kill you."

You nodded quickly, a soft moan slipping from your lips.
He was serious, but it was so hot.
His free hand moved to the crook in your boxers to rub you.

"Ah, Barbatos.... Hah....!" Your voice was squeaky.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

You melted in pleasure, Barbatos taking your cock out of your boxers.
He began to stroke you, pressing the knife harshly to your throat again.

"Fuck...." You groaned.

He grinded against you harder, and a gasp came from him. He chuckled seductively.
He stopped stroking you, pulling down your boxers and tossing the knife to the ground.
He turned you around, quickly took off his clothing and unbuttoned his shirt.
He sat in your lap, facing you and looking you in the eyes as he started stroking you again.
You moaned, you head falling back against the tree.
You bucked your hips occasionally, girlish moans falling from your lips like Kenma.

Kenma was your friend, say hello to the crossover.
(Hi- Shut up, Oneesan!)

You aligned your tip under Barbatos, he was quite the submissive when it got intense.
You slowly pushed it in and Barbatos let out a little moan that sounded like a mewl.

"Hah!" He gasped, his tongue slightly poking out of his mouth.

"That was cute." You say, caressing his cheek.

You lift the knife that had been beside you this entire time, and lift his chin.

"If you make a noise or move, I'll kill you."

He nodded quickly, and you placed the knife right next to you.
You eye Barbatos, smirking.
You watched him slightly blush.
You wrapped a hand around his neck, pulling him closer.

"Now, let me hear those beautiful moans that I might kill you for."

You placed your other hand around Barbatos's waist, shoving yourself completely inside of him.
Barbatos quickly wrapped his arms around you, and let out a soft moan. He tucked his face into your neck, clutching your body and slightly shaking.

"Don't move." You reminded him, and he squeezed around your cock.

You gasped out a moan.

"Fuck, that's so hot!" You exclaimed.

You turned your head slightly to whisper in his ear, drawing circles in his back with your finger.

"Don't you think so, Barbatos? The way that your little hole squeezed around my fat cock, the way you want to moan so badly, but you can't. Isn't that sexually frustrating?"

He was silent.

"Answer me!" You growled, slapping his ass and he let out a loud howling moan.

"Yes!" He exclaimed.

You smirked, lifting the knife, and drawing a line of red down his back. He tensed, clutching you tightly and throwing his head back as he let out spasms of moans.

"Ah!" Barbatos grit his teeth.

You drew a line down his back.
You placed the knife back to the side.

"I told you to be quiet. I didn't say you could moan."

He silently stuffed his face back into your neck, and your hands settled on his hips.

"Let's move, okay? Tell me when you're close."

He nodded, and you two started going.
You made sure your mouth was next to his ear as you let out soft moans, telling him how good he was, how good he made you feel.

"Your little hole feels so good!" You breathed.

He covered his mouth, small sounds escaping softly.

"Oh? Are you moaning?" You asked, and he shook his head in denial.

"Use your words." You say, and he quickly tells you no.

"Good. Good boy...."

You begin to thrust faster, it was getting harder for him to keep in his moans.

"You can moan now, If you please." You say, and he is immediately panting.

"Aah! M- master....!" He stutters out.

You begin to pant as well, humming like you were tasting sweet candy.

"Fuck, Barbatos, I'm close." You tell him, and he lets out a higher pitched moan.

"M- me too!"

He clutched you tighter, and he felt your seed fill him up.
His seed got on your face, some on your chin and lips as he came with a loud moan.

"You squirted a lot." You say, licking his seed off of your lips.

Your take your thumb and swipe some away, then press it to Barbatos's mouth to lick your finger.
He hummed submissively.

"Master, can we go again?"

"My, what a greedy boy."

Author's note from Oneesan~
From now on I'm doing all genders.
Not gender fluid, but you know, I'll let you know which gender.
I'll try my best not to write so fuckin' slow and post randomly. Also, I'll stop giving the reader a personality and stuff, it's just kinda hard to write a story without an ideal character and their traits.
See ya later!

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