Chapter- 3

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Chapter- 3 (Kushida's POV)

(Author's note: As it says, this is Kushida's POV. This is 2 days after the deserted island test ended and before the zodiac sign test began)

"Kushida-san, let's go to the cafeteria after we're done shopping!"

"Sorry but I made plans to meet some girls in the restaurant. I'll be done in an hour. Can we go then?"

"Sure things, there is no hurry. See you in an hour then, Kushida-san."

"Oh, before you leave, have something to ask you, do you remember who was the leader that replaced Ayanokouji?"

"Huh? That's sudden, I think it was Yukimura-kun. Why do you ask?"

"Haha, nothing serious, I just don't understand how we came first on the island test even though Kouenji and Ayanokouji retired."

"That's true, I am also confused about it but it's vacation already so let's chill now."

"Yeah you're right. See you around, Onodera-san."


Aargh dammit, it's so exhausting to act polite outside when you are exasperated from inside. Especially when the name of those two bitches come around, it makes me even more infuriated.

I watched Onodera's back as she left. Even though she acts all friendly with me, behind my back, she complains that this guy she likes gives me more attention than her.

I turned my back to her and started descending the deck, starting from the second underground level as I went lower the decks became more and more deserted. My mask faded a little by little as I reached the lowest level, to the switchboard room. Generally speaking, students were not allowed to enter , but it still wasn't locked.

I went inside the room, it was so dead silent that one would not imagine that it was the same paradise we never dreamed to have. Occasionally the ship made a deep sound that echoed throughout the room, apparently when changing directions.

The meeting time was already an hour ago, but knowing the one I am about to meet; he seemingly was going to make me wait an hour anyways. I took out my phone only to find that the signal was non-existent here. Waiting became even harder without the internet.

Looking around the room I noticed a big panel made of switchboards, it was nearly as tall as me. There was also an emergency exit, with nothing interesting to do, I decided to check it out. The door opened with a small creaking noise, the stairs that led back to the ship were covered in dust. Apparently no one has used it in a while.

After a half hour, the door from which I entered opened again, it is surprising that he has the nerve to grin in front of me after making me wait so much. Ryuuen.

"You are late," I said.

"My speciality."

Ignoring his annoying words I proceeded to my question.

"Have you figured out what happened on the island? Doesn't look like you won."

"True, the leader's name you got was the wrong one."

He said without smiling, feels better now.

"I know that much, on investigating around I found out that the students were told names of different leaders. Precisely speaking me and my friends received one name, Karuizawa and her group received another. Even among the boys, names of two entirely different leaders were given."

He walked to the nearest wall and leaned against it, closing his eyes he started analyzing the new information I threw at him. After some time he opened his eyes and spoke.

"Replacing the leader was already unexpected, but seems like they had found out that the identity of the leader was exposed. After that they would have assumed that there was a traitor in the class, in order to narrow it down and mislead the traitor they distributed different names in the class."

A small current ran down my spine, I gave the camera to Ryuuen and the other tools were buried undisturbed until the last day. This does not make any sense, how else could one find out that the name of the leader is out?

"Who do you mean exactly by 'they'?"

I can think about the process that led to this afterwards, first I need to identify my target.

"Peace out, lady. They may have narrowed down the list, but it is hard to imagine that they would zero upon you with just that much."

As if reading my thoughts he asked me to refrain from launching attacks. His words did make me feel relieved a little, but there was no time to backoff we are far too deep into this.

"Okay, now tell me who all do you think might know about this?"

"They are just as hard for you to find as hard it is for them to find you."

"Why? I am pretty sure Hirata would have an idea since he was the one who tricked my group."

"Can't say for sure. That sycophant might have been fooled just like you, it is totally possible that even he did not know the identity of the true leader."

"This is annoying." I snapped, but Ryuuen remained calm. His eyes were misty, perhaps he was thinking something.

"Now that I recall, the moment I mentioned the name of the leader to Ichinose on the last day, she suddenly turned towards you-"

"Not that bitch!" This was just getting more irritating.

"Kukuku, simmer down." He spoke with an unnerving smile, which did not help in calming my mood in the least.

I took my time to calm down and Ryuuen took his time to think. A minute passed then two, he took a breath to speak again.

"I don't think that anyone of your moron leaders is shrewd enough to come up with an underhanded plan like lying to the whole class, on top of that replacing the leader. I think it is someone entirely different pulling the strings from shadow."

I listened to him calmly, perhaps he is right.

"Can you find the one you are talking about?"

"I have no reason to do that, they seem like a good plaything. But now I will devour the upper classes first."

"What?! I gave you the name of the leader on the island; do it for me!"

"Kukuku, the deal was for Ichinose and Suzune. I assure you that the one you are searching for is not them."

Just like a hound who demanded to be fed more before hunting, Ryuuen showed no interest in Class D. I bit my lip and swallowed my hatred, sooner or later I will give him the incentive he needs to help me.

"Very well." I spoke in a low voice.

Ryuuen turned around and started heading back to the door.

I stood there alone racking my brain, I will investigate more, I guess. With that I reached back to my friends, the whole day I was on an alert trying to find some clues to unravel what happened on the island.

But fate had something else for me; the very next day, the school announced a special test.

"Hehehe, now I have something to feed the hound." A thin smile crept up my face as I looked down at my phone with the names of the two VIPs in our class. 

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