Chapter- 7

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(Art by Madlad and Buzz)

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(Art by Madlad and Buzz)

(Author's note: Okay guys map update is here, if you have any doubts ask me in comments.)

A sense of peace returned to me on reaching the camp, my brain had gone through too much anticipation and fatigue in the last 8 hours.

"Here, Ichinose-san. Eat some fish, Ike-kun and Sudou-kun caught these from the river."

"Thank you, Kushida-san."

To my surprise this river fish had a taste far superior to the Baked Garlic Salmon Bread served on Speranza, so this is the power of hunger.

Kushida-san kept serving me more fishes and berries with a warm smile as I finished them one after another.

I looked into her eyes as she served me seconds. It is times like these when I tend to forget that her affectionate facade masks the hatred she keeps buried deep in her heart for me.

"Would you like to have more, Ichinose-san?"

"Thank you, Kushida-san but this would be enough for now."

"Oh.. Okay have some rest, I will leave a bottle of water here for you."

I nodded slightly, she was really an angel. The accident that happened that day seems like a bad dream to me now.

As she left I examined the whole camp. Even though we were sitting on hard earth in such humid weather, none of us were visibly affected by it. Most of the students chatted amiably amongst each other while those who preferred being alone sat at a little distance under the trees.

The flames of the bonfire contributed to the beauty of the peaceful scenery reflected in my eyes. The night sky was clearer here in absence of street lights.

Wait. . where is Kouenji? I scanned the whole camp again with my eyes, shortly they zeroed upon someone who was sitting on a tree.

Indeed, I should not have expected him to be sitting on a normal seat after all. As I stood up to head towards the tent, Hirata-kun gathered everyone's attention.

"Everyone I have some topics to discuss, but since it is already 8:30 now, there is a high chance we might be getting spied upon. Therefore, we should make a circle to discuss it."

Everyone gathered up to make a circle as instructed by Hirata, while Kouenji sat in his seat as if he had not heard anything at all. The girls sat down while the guys stood up so that they could voice their opinions easily.

Hirata placed a piece of paper on the ground, it was the map we had received attached to the manual. When compared to the map we just found it is more akin to a blank paper.

"Ichinose-san, can you mark the locations of the three spots you all have claimed across the island?"

"Oh, wait I have another map that has them already marked."

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