Chapter- 2

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Chapter- 2 (Ayanokouji's POV)

The whole student body gathered in Gymnasium 1 in the second homeroom period, I tagged along with the idiot trio. All three of them were brimming with excitement.

While Sudou was pumped for the sports festival, Ike and Yamauchi had motivations beyond that.

"Uh-oh! Man, just look at 6o'clock, she is thick!" Exclaimed Ike.

"Seniors are insane!" Yamauchi replied.

It is frightening how they can pinpoint a person in this crowd of up to 400 people without pointing a finger.

We all sat down and then a few students came up in front of us, apparently they were seniors. Perhaps they are student council members, but if that is true I don't see the student council president; Horikita Manabu standing among them.

Without thinking too much I waited patiently, the clattering and whispering noises of the crowd had gone down.

"I am Fujimaki, from third year Class A. It's been decided that I will be commanding the Red team."

Horikita Manabu wasn't the commander, perhaps taking care of council and commanding the Red team at once wasn't a wise choice.

Fujimaki's speech wasn't exactly what one would call eloquent, he stepped back once he was done speaking giving the students room to discuss their strategies for their respective grades.

The first year Class A students led by Kanzaki approached us directly, their unity itself was enough to make us feel inferior.

His eyes roved around and locked on Horikita who was standing with Ichinose. At the end of the Zodiac exam, Horikita and Kanzaki had agreed to form an alliance which would allow Class A to hold their position and Class D to advance theirs.

"It reassures me that our classes were chosen to be in the same team."

In normal circumstances, teaming up with the lowest class would only slow them down. But if you look at the remaining two Classes B and C, both would've hindered Class A's progress to the best of their abilities.

On the surface one would conclude that Class B is at an advantage of being teamed up with a useless ally rather than some enemies. But in reality Kanzaki knew that our class had the potential to attack, or so he concluded from the result of the last two exams.

As Horikita and Kanzaki discussed the matter further, other students of our class seemed perplexed. They didn't expect the Class A leader to converse to anyone from Class D so politely, but Kanzaki and Horikita didn't have the air of hostility between them. Thus, it came as a surprise to the other students, it also uplifted the respect of Horikita in the eyes of her classmates.

Ichinose was talking to other students standing besides Kanzaki, one student in particular had a warm and inviting aura around him just like Ichinose does.

"He is Sou Shibata." Hirata answered politely as if reading my thoughts.

"Oh, looks like they are getting along well." Hopefully the shock wasn't visible on my face.

"Yes, Shibata-kun is a friendly guy. He is extremely athletic just like Sudou so we should be wary of him." Hirata added.

A guy who has athletic skills comparable to Sudou and an attitude completely opposite to him, he would be an ideal support to a class.

"So do you have a plan ready for all this?" I asked Hirata.

"Not yet, but I plan on discussing things with Ichinose-san, Horikita-san and you soon. Would you mind if we hold a meeting at your room tonight?"

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