Chapter- 13

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(Ayanokouji's POV)

Second day of the exam began. The first four hours of the morning were devoted to physical classes. We were supposed to walk and run for eighteen kilometers in total around the course. Apparently it was to prepare students for the long-distance relay, which was one of the exams on the final day.

On the windy mountain road, it was like a pleasant morning walk. Those who were slightly unathletic worked up slight sweat, but there were no signs of irritation. Around a hundred meters behind us, Ryuuen walked with Ishizaki and Albert. No one slowed down enough to meet them as they didn't want to find out what happened if they did.

A few meters ahead, if one looks hard enough, they can spot a man with blond hairs ascending the slope of the mountain.

The mountain breeze washed up my face, my hairs enjoying its rush. Sun would make the journey more arduous, because it was winter. The sunshine had a sweet taste to it.

The path we were following led us into a forest; it was dense but nothing when compared to those on the island. Our trail was clearly visible, so no one gave it much of a thought.

"Hey, Ayanokouji! Catch up already," Makida yelled from a distance. I jogged past a sign—WILD BOARS—joining back with them.

Once I joined, all of us looked forward at once. On the long straight road one can see far away into the mountain, and none of it showed any signs of Koenji.


"Guess he ran off again." Yuukimura announced resignedly.

Students from other classes looked at us in confusion. They never understood why Koenji was such an oddball.

"I will go and get him." I had been looking for a chance to deal with Koenji alone. If he does know too much, then I might've to silence him one way or another.

In a silent agreement they nodded their heads.

I went into the verdant forest, searching the trail of Koenji. I advanced on the pathway created by nothing but dirt and rocks. Even though it was an unstable terrain I picked up my pace. The trees grew taller and taller. At last, I spotted the footprints Koenji had left behind.

After a few hundred meters the footprints simply ceased to exist; they led towards a tree. I sensed a wild presence near me. Instinctively I hid in the nearby bushes.

I heard a series of grunts and a pair of quadrupedal footsteps. Seemingly there were wild boars foraging food nearby. I was deep into the forest and so was Koenji. Once the grunts grew distant I came out of the bushes and climbed on to the tree that the footsteps led to.

I don't have much experience climbing trees, but these kinds in particular weren't difficult. I ascended to the canopy layer and scanned the nearby trees, searching for a student on top of it. The absurdity of the situation wasn't surprising given I was dealing with Koenji.

On a tree a few meters away I saw his golden hairs swaying as he jumped onto the next one.

"Don't tell me..." The wild boars went that way.

I jumped from one branch to another, but my experience was a far cry when compared to Koenji who had utmost faith in the branches he grabbed or stepped on. I have been trained for parkour before, but this is very different.

Soon enough he stopped. Unmoving like a statue, as if he was a part of the tree himself, he looked down on his prey. I had an idea of what he was trying to do when he pulled out a knife from his jersey.

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