Chapter- 11

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Chapter- 11

The start signal went off and young girls bolted down their respective lanes.

Horikita's reaction seemed slightly delayed, mostly because the existence of Kinoshita in her group distracted her. Horikita had exceptional athletic abilities, but Kinoshita had polished her own every day.

Naturally as they picked up their speed Kinoshita took the lead. But, what surprised Horikita more was the girl with short blue hair who chased her down with bloodthirsty eyes.

Around the middle of the race Horikita glanced back at Ibuki, the moment that happened the girl was chasing her nearly neck to neck with her. Panic struck her and the thought of losing crossed her mind.

I can't fall down to third position.

She spoke in her head.

In a few moments Horikita was overtaken, she realized that the girl who just crossed her wasn't trying to overtake her. It was Kinoshita that she was trying to catch.

Horikita ended up in third place by a short margin. Both the girls from Class C glanced at her over their shoulders and left the track.

"See you in the next event."

Horikita stood there, she looked towards the other side from her class. She wasn't ready to face them after such failure. But unfortunately, on the opposite side of her class she saw her brother.

He was monitoring the races as the student council secretary accompanied him. She could only imagine the disappointment he would have in her at this point.

She felt her soul damaged, her lips curled in pain. Third place was already pathetic, but the fact that her brother witnessed it was what made it feel even worse.

It took a little while for the other years to get done with their races.

Hirata and Ayanokouji had carefully witnessed all of the races, there wasn't any method to record the results except to memorize them.

"Did you notice a pattern?" Hirata asked Ayanokouji once the last race had ended.

"Yes, it seems like the grouping done by Class C is targeted at Horikita." Ayanokouji replied with the basic fact.

"Not only that, Ryuuen had been winning in his groups as well. He ran against the group which had Hideo Sotomura from our class."

"The vague possibility that they have our participation table seems to be expanding."

Hirata nodded slightly, he didn't want to admit it himself. But Ayanokouji said it for him.

"The next line up would be enough to deduce if that is actually the case."

Done with her race, Ichinose approached the two individuals.

"Hirata-kun, I have a feeling that Horikita-san is being targeted."

"Yes, we think so as well. Let's see if the same happens in the next race."

Horikita returned to the class but no one dared to approach her, she was oozing hostility.

"I don't think approaching her would be a good choice right now."

"Yeah." Ayanokouji agreed.

"It is time for the obstacle course race. You two should warm up." Ichinose suggested.

The first group took their place, but one more time the matchups seemed confusing.

"Why the hell are you here again?" Kaneda asked Akito once again.

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