Chapter- 4

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Chapter- 4

Once the meeting was done, Mashima-sensei asked us to leave the room. Perhaps he was waiting for the next batch, Horikita-san left ahead of us.

"See you tomorrow, Ayanokouji-kun."

He answered me with a slight nod and left the room as well.

"Let us go, Matsushita-san."

"Wanna go to the restaurant? It is time for dinner already."

We left the room discussing our meals.

"Yeah! Sounds good. Do you like seafood, Matsushita-san?"

"Not much, you know how they look kinda alive and all."

I understand your pain Matsushita-san, I have felt it on a spiritual level.

"Haha I understand, so which kind of food do you like here?"

"I like the French dish named, Chicken leu."

"Nice name, I will try it today I guess."

"People do have different tastes but I am sure you will like it. Cuz it's really delicious."

Confident assumption she has there, I like the way she thinks.

On reaching the restaurant, we found it quite deserted for dinner time. Perhaps the batch which Hirata belonged to was getting introduced to the test and our batch was busy figuring out the shape of the test.

We took a table with two seats, and placed our order. This was not exactly a time for feasting but I had accepted Matsushita-san's invitation so I must see through it.

"I will be back in a minute from washroom,"

"Sure thing Ichinose-san."

Shortly after entering the washroom I texted Ayanokouji and Horikita to meet at the deck tonight. Figuring out the rules was paramount at this moment, Ayanokouji replied in a few seconds while Horikita just left it after seeing it, perhaps she was a little irritated by the frequent gathering.

Assuming both of them will meet on the deck I went back to Matsushita-san with reassurance.

Supper was the usual savory cuisine and the pleasant conversation with Matsushita made it better. She is a well spoken individual, even though we haven't talked much she received the conversation warmly as I progressed.

We walked back to the rooms chatting amiably, after departing our ways I made sure that I was out of her vision. Then turned back towards the stairs, nearing the stairs I discovered students ascending to our deck. Perhaps their introduction to the test was done.

It was still 30 minutes from the meeting time but it will be hard to sneak out of my room filled with my roommates.

The deck offered the beautiful scenery I saw on the island, the moon was still hidden so the visibility was low but the stars twinkled in the beautiful night sky. There were a few couples who were scattered around the deck; holding hands standing aside each other looking up at the starry sky.

I heard footsteps from the stairway, few more couples poured in. I decided to move on and give them a little private time, strolling through the deck I saw a lone figure near the railing. Since it was dark I was not able to identify the student, but judging from the silhouette he was a male student.

As if sensing my presence he turned back towards me.

"Ichinose?" That voice.

"Ayanokouji-kun, is that you?" He moved towards me stepping into the visible range.

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