Chapter- 8 (Tug of war)

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Chapter- 8 (tug of war)

"Sensei..." Sakayanagi reached out to the man standing in front of him.

"Reconsider your actions, Sakayanagi." I dropped the honorifics and interrupted him before he could take his hand.

"Don't interrupt when adults are speaking." The man warned me.

His sharp gaze was meant to make me fearful, but wavering at this point would cost me a lot.

"The man standing in front of you — he lacks the means to rescue your wife..."

If he did, he would've obtained her already. Or perhaps he already has her but he is making up all of this.

"What..." Sakayanagi doubted my words.

"His only hope to beat the Eugenics Movement is me — his only success."

"Ignorant child, since the facility has reopened there has been numerous successes."

"If that was true, you won't be pulling off these stunts just to retrieve me." I pointed around to his dead and deformed bodyguards.

"If the public found out, then your dreams of making a comeback would go down the drain." I continued.

"The talent you show is extraordinary. Such loss would be detrimental." He said as a matter of fact.

"If I am expelled from this academy, then I won't be providing any help in rescuing your wife. Instead, I might even sabotage the mission." I warned Sakayanagi but I didn't expect it to work. What I was trying to do here was something different.


"Don't listen to him, Sakayanagi. He is my property; he has no right to refuse me. Once he is back to White Room, he will have no choice but to follow the path I chose for him." The man highlighted his control over my actions, which was absolutely true. His words have always been absolute when it came to that place.

On hearing this, Sakayanagi felt a little conflicted. He was relieved that his cause wasn't threatened, but, deep down, he didn't agree to what that man said.

"... Yes, you are right. Once I am back to that place, I will have no choice but to keep following the silhouette I see in front of me. My autonomy is a dream that I will never achieve it seems." I admitted.

Student's autonomy was paramount in this school. And this man was a direct threat to the ideals Sakayanagi family had been carrying.

On hearing my words, the man smiled a little, but this was all to lead to another event.

"Perhaps to escape this all, I will just end this suffering..." I said.

Sakayanagi, who once again looked at me as if I was a helpless child, gasped at my sudden confession.

"What sort of nonsense are you speaking? You out of all people should know that you aren't capable of doing that. No matter what happens, the only direction you can move is forward."

"You will sacrifice whatever it takes to keep yourself safe. Self-harm is something you can't even dream of."

"....." Sakayanagi gazed at the monster standing beside him.

"...You're right about that as well," I replied to that man.

Like a small child making false arguments and getting caught, I appeared harmless in front of Sakayanagi, appearing to be on the mercy of the monster standing among us.

"Wasn't your wife's mindset similar to mine before she met you? I wonder what she felt that led her down the path of self-sacrifice. Was it love? How would it feel? I can't help but think about that feeling."

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