Chapter- 3

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Chapter- 3 (Ichinose's POV)

Once the homeroom ended, Chabashira-sensei walked out of the class.

"Ichinose-san." Hirata, who sat beside me, called out

"If you don't mind, can we discuss the strategy for the sports festival in the evening?"

"Sure thing! I will get Horikita-san as well, if you are okay with it."

"Yes, I was going to ask you for that. Let's meet at Ayanokouji-kun's room around four." He proposed.

"Uh, is Ayanokouji-kun okay with it?"

"Yes, I asked for his permission. He is okay with it."

"Oh, then let's meet at four then."

Hirata gave me a small nod and left with the rest of his friends.

It feels nostalgic, the last time we all met in Ayanokouji's room was in first semester trying to unravel the S system. Time has passed since then, for better or for worse the summer vacation has brought the students closer to each other.

Around 3:45 I make my way to Ayanokouji's room, most students are done with their lunch and are resting in their rooms so no one spotted me coming here.

I slowly knocked on the door and within a few seconds Ayanokouji opened the door. Apathetic eyes stared back at me, for a moment we stood silent.

"Pardon the intrusion Ayanokouji-kun." I smiled at him.

"Please come in." He replied with a small nod.

I noticed that he was still wearing his uniform, perhaps he fell asleep once he reached his room? And I disturbed his sleep?

His room looked the same as it was in the first semester, nothing new in it, mostly the stuff provided by school.

"Ayanokouji-kun, by any chance, are you a minimalist?"

"Uh, I can't keep my room clean if I have too many things lying around."

Picking up a small handbag kept on the table he walked into the kitchen.

"Would you like to drink something-"


I walked to the gate, on opening I found Hirata and Horikita standing at the door. I chuckled quietly at the sight of the odd duo.

"Good afternoon, Ichinose-san." Hirata greeted me politely.

"Good afternoon Hirata-kun, Horikita-san."

All three of us sat down and Ayanokouji-kun joined us as well. He had changed his uniform and was in a home ware, that was fast.

Wasn't he in the kitchen?

"Would you all like to drink something?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Some water."


"Green tea-"

Hey hey, he isn't a waiter!

"I will help you Ayanokouji-kun."

"It is okay, I can do it."

"It will take less time if we both do it."

Understanding the fact that Horikita and Hirata might not have much time for this he nodded slightly.

We both went into the kitchen, looking around a little I only spotted barley tea packets lying around. Perhaps he likes to drink that as his daily beverage.

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