Chapter- 14

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Chapter- 14 (Ryuuen's POV) (Day 3 night)  

Opening the wounds of the past has some different taste to it than giving new wounds. Guessing the weakness of Karuizawa and then exploiting it felt blissful, but what entertained me more was the smooth aftermath of it, in which Ichinose also got demolished.

Hopefully, she understands now that she isn't in the same league as me. Moving on from that, now I have the end of this test in my hand, the names of all VIPs are just waiting to get reported by me.

As for the Dragon group, I knew that hiding the VIP there would be near impossible. But thanks to the fool Katsuragi who won't say a thing I can play the strategy I want to.

If I exchanged the phone of the VIP from our class with someone who is not in the group, then it will simply make them disappear. Problem with this plan was that if everyone reveals their identity then the fact that there is no VIP would come into light and ultimately raise suspicion on us.

But then again that situation was easily avoided since Katsuragi never opened his mouth to reveal the identities of his class. Thus, everyone thinks that the VIP is in Class A, easy money.

Of course I can't discard the possibility of him changing his policy when faced with this sudden revelation. I have prepared countermeasures if Katsuragi does somehow decide to put an end to his confusion by showing everyone that he doesn't have a VIP.

Night was still young so I decided to take a detour towards the upper deck where one can see the night sky clearly. As expected the place was dead except this one guy who was leaning at the railing silently, watching the sea as if it was something interesting.

Usually I don't give second thoughts to others but I decided to check out for something suspicious and walked towards the silhouette.

My loud footsteps were easy to sense and he turned his face to me. The light revealed the face. . .

"Ugh, it is you."


It was that spineless guy from Dragon group. I walked to the railing beside him and leaned against it. He stood there silently, apparently too terrified to even move a muscle.

I gazed into the sea to understand what he had been looking at, nothing looked back at me but the mundane voice of waves crashing a little here and there.

"Who do you think is the VIP of the Dragon group?" I asked him without looking at him.

But again he didn't answer. . this guy.. Is he too scared to even speak?

"I asked you something."

"Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you." he answered in a nonchalant voice.

I slowly turned my head to look at him.

"I mean I don't know who the VIP is." he changed his statement fast.

"Sensibility is the key to long life." I responded.


"Now get lost, I am not a fan of two dudes looking at the sky together at night."

With that he left. Perhaps this feeble chimp is the best Class D can offer against the Dragons. After some time I returned back to my room and slept.

The next day, as I had predicted, Katsuragi decided to reveal the identities from his class in the Dragon group. But as I said it was expected.

In the last meeting, when we shared our phones we had revealed our phone numbers at that moment, which was the only key to get to the VIP. So naturally if I play that move then I would prepare a decoy in case the members start tracing down the VIP once they figure out what happened.

Phone numbers like mine or Kaneda's can be found easily without much digging, thankfully none of us were VIP. The VIP of the Dragon group was of course from our class, that is Shiina Hiyori.

I never actually understood that girl much, but the good thing is that unlike me or Kaneda the girl's phone number was nearly impossible to find due to her lack of activity in class.

When the test had started I proposed my strategy to her and she agreed to it amiably. Now, the thing I wanted to do was not only hide her but also prepare a decoy to mislead, for this best choice was Kaneda.

Thus as planned I changed the phones of both Kaneda and Shiina with someone outside the group. This way if people start looking for the numbers they would end up catching Kaneda before Shiina, not only will this keep the identity of VIP safe but also end the search of the enemy at the wrong destination.

A perfect plan to victory over the Dragon group. Once the first meeting ended within a few hours the traitor sprouted on the battlefield.

"The test has ended for the Dragon group. Those in the Dragon group are no longer required to participate any further. Please do not disturb the other students."

"Kukuku, this is the thrill of life."

The traitor has successfully fallen into my trap. I wonder which class was the reckless one, if I had to guess it would be the monkey class. Ichinose did happen to write all our numbers after all. But then again Kanzaki also had Kaneda's phone number, he might've ended up dying instead.

Now all I had to do was to sit around until other groups were done with their meetings then send a barrage of names to the school. 

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