Chapter- 15

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Chapter- 15

[A/n: I am going to write two scenes in parallel again, I have mentioned the timeline in the scenes so I hope it won't create confusion.]

(Ichinose's POV) (continuation of last chapter - 4th night)

It was hard to tell just by looking at her face: Shiina-san was having her own internal conflicts.

"Ichinose-san, there is someone who needs your help." The sombre expression she wore made it clear that it was a serious matter.

"Who is it, Shiina-san?"

Her lilac colored eyes gazed into those of mine. She stared at me for a few moments.

I saw hesitation dancing in her eyes, as the eyes curled away. What feelings were behind this behaviour?

"Shiina-san." I slowly walked up to her. Seeing I didn't meet any resistance, I gently entered her personal space.

"No matter who it is, if they need help that I can provide, then I will do it." I declared.

"Ichinose-san... I can't discuss this matter with you right now..."


(Fifth day lunch break, cafeteria)

"Honami-chan, what's the matter? You've been spacing out a lot recently." Mii-chan interrupted me as I was staring towards a distant scenery.

"O-Oh, well it's nothing."

"Hmph." Mii-chan huffed and continued eating.

Since the start of the test, I had sensed something was off. However, I wasn't able to put my finger on it. Now that I saw the things going behind the scenes, the cafeteria looked like a stage... No, it was a path.

The chattering around me was slowly dying. Silence loomed over us; I could barely hear the first years talking. The awkward silence caught the attention of the seniors as well.

Ryuuen was walking around, followed by Ishizaki and Albert. He walked through a few tables; anticipation filled the air. However, I had an idea of where he was heading to.

"Huh, what does he want with Karuizawa now?" Shinohara, who sat on the same table as mine, muttered before gulping down her food.


Around two o'clock at night, I opened my eyes. Propping myself up on my bed, slowly slithering out of it without making any sound.

Earlier last night, Shiina-san had asked me to go to the washroom at this time. It was supposed to be our secret meeting place in case it was empty. While I was a little sceptical of her, it's hard to think that she would scheme anything at a time like this.

As I walked through the wooden corridors, the creaking sounds of my footsteps became unavoidable. The chilly wind caressed my body gently. I clenched my jersey closer to myself in hopes of stopping it from doing so.

"Hah. The breeze of winter is unforgiving."

I ambled through the moonlit garden, the flowers sleeping soundly or so my mother believed. Variety of the garden was stupendous, however, what drew my attention was the flower Tsubaki.

Tsubaki, popularly known as Camellia, had a simple appearance, but still looked pretty. Red and round petals overlapped each other to form a small cup around its white pistils. On top of all this, the yellow stamen reminded me of the abundant colours of nature and the contrast it created.

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