Chapter- 5

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Chapter- 5

Four of us reached the appointed room half an hour before the given time, the lower deck was a little crowded as it seemed like many students were here to see who belongs to which group.

We entered the empty room and took our seats. The chairs were arranged in a big circle, perhaps to promote discussion. We sat beside each other. I and Horikita took the middle seat, Ayanokouji sat beside Horikita and Matsushita was on my side.

"Seems like it will have time to talk at length," Horikita mentioned.

"Well, it works for us."

I did not exactly state that it worked for us because we didn't have the VIP in our class, I don't want someone to accidentally or intentionally overhear us.

We were far too early than the designated time. We had nothing to do, maybe I should check around if this room has any voice recorders set in it by school. But even if it did have any, I doubt we would find it easily.

Horikita took out her phone and got immersed in it, she was not very talkative with most students so I wonder what she might be doing in it.

"Ichinose-san, how are things going with the other groups?" Matsushita broke the ice.

"I would say everyone is quite pumped up. The results of the island test have increased the morale of the whole class."

"Sounds cool, by the way..... . . ."

We chatted with each other in a low voice as Horikita used her phone and Ayanokouji sat on his seat staring at the door. We would occasionally involve those two but they would leave once their part was said.

After 10 more minutes, with a click, the door opened. I stared at it in anticipation, trying to guess who might it be.

Kanzaki entered the room with other members of his class, he was a little surprised to see us. Through the open door two people were visible, they were Ryuuen and Katsuragi.

They both stood facing each other as if staring at their prey, Katsuragi's face was still in battle mode just like it was in the gym. But right now he looked prepared more than worried.

Kanzaki took a seat beside Matsushita and the other members of his class followed him in succession.

"Nice to meet you again, Ichinose."

"Nice to meet you as well, Kanzaki-kun."

"It seems like the results of the island test took a rather unexpected turn for all the classes."

"Haha, seems so."

If I remember right, then his class scored approximately 80 points. Just if we would not have been able to guess their leader they would have been in Class A this very moment. He had successfully closed his distance to the top, this is a deciding test for him and his class. I wonder how he will progress.

"The lower classes surely had closed distance with the upper classes, you all became a potential threat now."

"Well, you did refrain from helping us when we asked for help. Perhaps you were right to be cautious of us."

"Not that it matters now, after this test our class will ascend to become Class A and we will keep rising."

"Seems like you have a plan for it."

"Of course. I wonder if you all have a plan."

"We will see soon."

Matsushita kept looking at us one by one as if trying to grasp which of us will outdo the other. More members stepped into the room soon.

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