Chapter- 6

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Chapter- 6 (On the girls' side)

(Sakayanagi's POV)

"No way I am spending my days with her!"



"Hey! I want to be with Kozue-chan!"




"This all to hell. I will not join your group!"

Amidst all the chaos, I hummed peacefully. All of this is taking more time than I had expected it to. It seems there is a reason behind it.

"Nooo, Manabe is scary. I am not going in her group." A girl from Class A shrieked.

"......." It happened again.

For instance, a selective number of girls would glance at the silver haired student standing behind me. She wore a slightly bitter expression.

"Perhaps you would like to assist them, Shiina-san."

"Ah, I think they can sort it out themselves." She broke out of the spell when I called her out.

"Very well."

All the four of our classes came to a consensus to form the strongest small group with me.

Our group was the one which was destined to win . Even when forming the large group, the seniors won't be able to resist our gathering.

Group consisted of:

Three students from Class B, namely: Masumi Kamuro, Sakayanagi Arisu, and Ryouko Nishikawa.

Four from Class A: Hitomi Taskabe, Sayo Ando, Mako Amikura, and Yuki Himeno.

Four from Class C: Shiina Hiyori, Mio Ibuki, Mariko Yajima, and Tusgumi Sasaki.

Four from Class D : Ichinose Honami, Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyou, and Mei-Yu Wang.

A grand line up presented by each class to carry us to victory.

"All of the squads are done, however, Karuizawa and her friends still remain." Horikita, who was leading her class, said to Ichinose.

Ichinose, understanding the limitations of her ally, took the matter into her hands.

"Karuizawa-san, right now if we keep sticking to our friends then this test can end badly. We need to distribute ourselves evenly in the small groups."

Seemingly the girl named Karuizawa wasn't ready to get into a group which didn't have her friends in it.

"Ughh fine, but I am keeping Satou with me."

"Satou is better off in another group right now. Your presentation skills are splendid, we need to make use of it in your group." Ichinose replied.

"Damn it, then who do I pair up with?"

"Nene Mmori and Kokoro Inogashira can group up with you. Both of them excel in a field of their own, your group would be perfectly balanced that way. Knowing you, you can make it with them, right?"

"Yeah fine, those guys aren't half bad either."

"Alright, then it is settled."

Horikita stood at a distance and watched the conversation unfold.


She turned back elegantly when I called her, long hair swaying beautifully.


"You are famed for your achievements in the past exams, achievements exceeding the limits of Class D name."

"I don't plan on being in Class D forever."

"Oh my, you have been giving Ryuuen a hard time."

"It is his own shortcomings that troubles him." Without skipping a beat she answered, all while looking directly into my eyes.

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