Island Arc begins (Vol-2)

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Chapter- 1

We sat in the first class restaurant, waiting for our food to arrive as the blissful melody of the piano filled the air. The walls made of glass not only allowed the radiant sunlight to lighten up the room but also offered a magnificent scenery of the endless blue ocean and the wide blue sky.

The luxury cruise ship- Speranza was simply a divine view for a kid like me who was unaware of the existence of such luxury. As our food arrived Mii-chan's face lit up. Apparently there was this Chinese dish she always wanted to try as a kid consisting of fried shrimps and Longjing tea.

I and Shinohara-san decided to go with Garlic Butter Baked Salmon, personally I wanted to try it because it was the only dish that did not appear the way it did when it was alive.

"This is the best! I never imagined the school would take us on a luxury cruise ship when Chabashira-sensei told us that the school had plans for our vacations."

"Haha same here, Shinohara-san. The school never ceases to surprise us."

I couldn't agree more on her opinion, it really was a shock when the school asked us to board Speranza which was casually docked at Tokyo Bay.

As I ate the Salmon slowly, I looked at Mii-chan who wore a delightful expression as she chowed down on her food. What caught my eye was behind her a student sitting alone on the table, apparently waiting for his dish. He was none other than Sudou. I am interested to see his choice in seafood as an athlete.

Once the waiter arrived with his food I noticed a small strip of meat rising from his plate as Sudou looked at the food with a childlike grin.

NO.... I read about this, Eight legged and squirmy. The octopus is a Korean delicacy that's eaten alive. It is said that there is a sensation of suction cups on the octopus' legs as they stick to the mouth.

As I recited the description of the dish in my head which was filled with horror, Sudou casually wrapped the little octopus around his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

The octopus won't go down without a fight and can be deadly. It is unadvised to swallow the octopus alive since it may try to climb back to the throat.

Sudou's cheeks squirmed as he chewed it, a little tentacle came out of his lips, trying to escape. But Sudou casually pushed it back in his mouth using his index finger.

I remained expressionless and used all my willpower to stop my brain from processing the information my eyes just sent in the last minute.

But I knew I had failed when the apparently dead Salmon in my mouth started to feel like it was squirming as well.

~Ah the weather was so good today. World peace surely is a wonderful thing.~

No avail. Even after my best efforts to distract myself I knew I will throw up anytime now.

NO... I can't do it again. I must swallow my food.

Mii-chan tilted her head in confusion as she witnessed me fighting my internal struggle.

"I don't feel like eating anymore."

Yes! I successfully swallowed my food and stood up in my seat.

"But, Ichinose-san the food is quite delicious. Why waste it?"

Shinohara-san who had already finished her share peacefully was simply clueless of the agony I went through.

"Haha I guess I forgot something important in my room. I will go and pick it. Once you all are done eating let's meet on the deck."

Both of them looked at me, trying to figure out the reason as of why I was avoiding the food.

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